Because they are really wahabis despite their act of pretending to be sufis in front of arab ulama. Allah destroy them!
i'm sorry, i don't mean to pollute the thread, but if it is there in radd al-muhtaar too, why then do our deobandi fellow desis have a problem with us on it?
it is there in radd al-muhtar as well. and the wording is: the first time you hear his name: sallAllahu alayka ya RasulAllah and the second time: qarrat `ayni bika ya RasulAllah
I was going through a Lebanese Shaykh's book of awrad, wazaif, and ta3wizat, and came across this. Subhan Allah. Alhamdulillah he is also a major shaykh of the Qadiri order in Lebanon. To seek protection from conjunctivitis and eye aches: When the muadhdhin says Ash-hadu Anna Muhammadan Rasool Allah, kiss the nails of both thumbs, and place them on both eyes and say: Marhaban bi-habeebi wa qurrata 3ayni Muhammad Sal Allahu 3alaihi wa sallam. (Welcome to my beloved and the sparkle of my eye, Muhammad, sal Allahu 3alaihi wa sallam)