Ghyarween Shareef for the month of Safar (second month of Islamic calendar): Remembrance of Shaykh Ahmed-al-Faruqi al-Sirhindi Affectionately known as Mujaddid-e-alf-thani (Reviver of the second millenium) or Imam-e-Rabbani (Imam of wise guidance) Location: Punjab Area (East India / West Pakistan) Born: 14th Shawwal 971 AH (1561 BC) Passed Away: 28th Safar 1034 AH (1624 BC) Lineage: Descendant of Hazrat Umar Faruk Radiallahu Anhu (2nd Caliph) Buried: Sirhind, Lahore (Pakistan) Notable Works: - Maktubat (Collection of letters sent by the Shaykh) -(volume 1) Durr al-Ma'rifat: 313 Letters -(volume 2) Noor al-Khallaq: 99 Letters -(volume 3) Ma'rifat al-Haqa'iq: 124 Letters Influence on Mughal Empire: - Emperor Akbar: Refused to bow to the pressures of the Emperor who drove the idea of unifying the religions of Hinuds and Muslims (Din-e-Elahi). - Emperor Jahangir (successor to Abkar): Freed him after imprisoning him for a year and later kept him in his company allowing the Shaykh to influence various personalities (through his letters) and bring about a transformation in the social and spiritual lives of the Muslim of India. - Shah Jahan (successor to Jahangir): Later became his mureed (disciple). The revival of Islam flourished so much so that many people in office became his mureeds. - Emperor Aurangzeb Alamghir (successor to Shah Jahan): His spiritual influence continued through his son who was the Shaykh of Aurungzeb. The Emporer was a learned scholar of Islam and ordered the best scholars of the day to collectively compile Fatwa-e-Alamgiri (Muslim digest of law) which is one of the greatest Hanafi works on Islamic law which is often quoted even today. Date: Sunday 16th Jan 2011 Time: 4.20pm (after Maghrib) Location: Anjuman-e-Islamia Jamia Mosque 266-268 High Street North, Manor Park, London, E12 6SB 020 8586 7823 Guest Speaker: Hazrat Syed Arshad Hussain Gardezi (Lahore, Pakistan) Under the Supervision of Imam Saheb: Allama Riaz Ahmed Samdani Saheb [SIZE=+0][SIZE=+0]Ladies welcome [/SIZE][/SIZE]Nearest Tube: East Ham (District or Hammersmith & City Line) Buses: 101, 147, 238 Order of Proceedings (commencing from Maghrib): - Khatham-ul-Quran (Congregational recitation of the Holy Quran in completion) - Zikr: Khatam-ul-Khwajgaan, Khatam-e-Ghausiyya (Congregational invocations in rememberance of Allah) - Short Tilawat of Quran (recitation of few verses of Quran) - Short Naat (poem praising the Noble Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) - Brief speeches by various guests (Urdu) - English speech on topic - Main speech by guest speaker (Urdu) - Fateha Shareef & Congregational Dua (Supplication) - Salaat-o-Salaam (Congregational Salutations upon the Noble Prophet Sallallahu Aliahi Wasallam) - Isha Namaz - Niyaz (serving of food)