obviously, he is trying to please the shia. he will say anything to please anyone. if the qadiyanis invite him to a lecture, he will say open blasphemies to support their religion, just to get some more dollars; just as he did when the christians invited him; and just as he did in his wembley circus.
it's common knowledge that sayyiduna abu hurayra (rađiy'allāhu anh) narrated the most hadīth. what makes it even more extraordinary is that he embraced islam in the seventh year (the year of khaybar) - so he was in the noble company for three years, but despite that he exceeded sahaba like sayyiduna abu bakr (radiyAllahu anh) in hadith transmission (ahfaz)
he has reached the maqam where he can say anything... ...and anything he says does not matter. similar to a raving madman. at 12.05 pm if tahir says, "it is day", i would like to check the clock or look out of the window to make sure - because anything the dajjal says should be cross verified. laa Hawla wa laa quwwata illa billah.
alfiyah of suyuti (#657-658): the most in number of hadith reports is abu hurayrah followed by ibn umar anas and the ocean (ibn abbas) similar to al-khudri and jabir and also, the wife of the Prophet sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam (sayyidah ayishah) --- citing from ibn al-jawzi: (as mentioned by shaykh ahmad shakir in his sharh alfiyah): 1. abu hurayrah: 5374 (no. of hadith reported) 2. abdullah ibn umar: 2630 3. anas ibn malik: 2286 4. umm al-mu'minin sayyidah ayishah: 2210 --- 5. abdullah ibn abbas: 1660 6. jabir ibn abdullah: 1540 7. abu sayid al-khudri: 1170 --- 8. abdullah ibn mas'ud: 848 9. abdullah ibn amr ibn al-aaS: 700 10. amir al-mu'minin mawla ali: 536 11. amir al-mu'minin umar ibn al-khaTTab: 537 raDiyAllahu `anhum ajma'yin. (notice that the order is as mentioned by ibn al-jawzi, though hazrat umar reports one hadith more than mawla ali). ========= see ibn al-jawzi in his talqih fuhum ahl al-athar, where he lists: (p.263) aS'Hab al-uluf (those who reported hadith in thousands) aS'Hab al-alf (those who reported one thousand plus) aS'Hab al-mi'yin (those who reported in hundreds) aS'Hab al-mi'ah (those who reported one hundred plus) and then he lists those who are 20+ (less than hundred); then 19,18...until those saHabah who reported one single hadith. Allah ta'ala knows best.
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1019143574888046&id=100003772381774 Tahir is saying Sayyiduna Abu hurayrah narrated 5,000+ hadith but Mawla Ali narrates 12,000. I haven't heard this before and always believed Sayyiduna Abu hurayrah is the narrator with the most number of narrations. رضي الله عنهما