The first Zikr should ideally be read after Tahajjud and before Fajr starts. If that it is not possible, it can be read after Fajr but before sunrise. If that is also not possible then any other time in the day. For Tasawwur e Shaikh, the best time is after ‘Isha or Tahajjud, if that is not possible then fix a time according to your own convenience.
Is it should be performed at specific time Or can do as our convenience, first one mentioned in barakati silsila can it be performed after fajr prayer or at morning times
One method the Mashaikh e Barkatia have mentioned to increase concentration is to perform Zikr e Pas Anfas in the following manner: Before Fajr Azan, perform Wudhu and sit on the Musalla in the position of Tashahhud. First, take three or four breaths in and out in such a way that when you breathe in, visualise you heart is saying اللّٰہ, and when you breathe out, visualise the heart saying الا اللّٰہ. Then take a breath in and hold it, and visualise the sound of اللّٰہ اللّٰہ coming from the heart. When the breath breaks, exhale slowly and visualise the heart saying الا اللّٰہ. Then again take three or four breaths in and out in the same manner as before, and then hold the breath and repeat the process. Repeat this Zikr for 15 minutes in the beginning, and increase it by 5 minutes every day, until it reaches 1 hour. As for Muraqabah, there are many methods in different Salasil. One simple and highly beneficial method of Muraqaba is Tasawwur e Shaikh. Ala Hazrat رحمة اللّٰہ تعالی علیہ has explained the method of Tasawwur e Shaikh in the book: Al-Yaqutatu’l Wasitah fī Qalbi Iqd ar-Rabitah, the link to which is below: It is also mentioned in Al Wazifa tul Karima. Whilst sitting in Tasawwur e Shaikh, you should also make Zikr e Pas Anfas. The simplest way is to visualise the heart saying لا الہ when exhaling, and الا اللّٰہ when inhaling. Then there are also the Ashghal e Khamsa of the Mashaikh e Barkatia. It is recommended to perform each Zikr 11 times after the corresponding Salah. After Fajr, inhale taking the breath from the Qalb e Nilofari (navel) to the Umm e Mudawwari (crown of head) and whilst inhaling, visualise the heart saying لا الہ. Then whilst exhaling make a Dharb e Khafi (silent strike) on the Qalb e Sanubari (heart) whilst visualising the heart saying الا اللّٰہ. Repeat this Zikr 11 times. After Zuhr, the Zikr of الا اللّٰہ، this is broken into two sections: الا ال and لاہ, visualise the first section whilst inhaling and the second whilst exhaling, according to the same method as for Fajr. After ‘Asr, the Zikr of اللّٰہ، this is broken into two sections: الا and ہ، repeat according to the above method. After Maghrib, اللّٰہ هو، visualise اللّٰہ whilst inhaling and هو whilst exhaling, according to the same method. After ‘Isha, لا الہ الا هو، the first part لا الہ whilst inhaling, and الا هو whilst exhaling according to the same method. The above mentioned Ashghal e Khamsa are mentioned in Al Wazifa tul Karima and Siraj ul Awarif fil Wasaya wa’l Ma’arif.
I want to improve my concentration is there any methods which our akabir has taught us regarding concentration of mind. And what's murakabah and how it's done is it's a same thing as meditation.