596-Mufti Muneeb ur Rehman par Kufr ka Fatwa ! reply to Mufti Mushahid kazmi by Dr Mufti Ali Nawaz I think this is a good reply to this whole issue.
Another point of @AbdalQadir, which is salient is about being a 'problem announcer'. Are Sunnis more aware of 'issues' after it was amplified by the likes of Mufti Mushahid. Has wisdom been applied here? Sunni resources and time have been drained in these Intra-Sunni issues, and on every level we've been left behind. This issue of Mufti Muneeb ur Rehman, reminds me a lot of the criticism faced by the likes of Shah Ahmad Noorani, who we are still yet to replace. It comes down to a lack of wisdom being deployed. Too many make excuses for themselves that they won't permit for others
Another point of @AbdalQadir, which is salient is about being a 'problem announcer'. Are Sunnis more aware of 'issues' after it was amplified by the likes of Mufti Mushahid. Has wisdom been applied here? Sunni resources and time have been drained in these Intra-Sunni issues, and on every level we've been left behind. This issue of Mufti Muneeb ur Rehman, reminds me a lot of the criticism faced by the likes of Shah Ahmad Noorani, who we are still yet to replace. It comes down to a lack of wisdom being deployed.
At 5:30, when Mufti Akmal said is he subtly pointing towards the sukuut of many scholars during the Salman Miyan incident?
Ulama like Mufti Muneeb have to find a middle ground. Unlike in the past, everything is photographed and recorded these days so one has to watch one's every move. It is inevitable that some time or another, ulama will end up having to associate with heretics, especially those like Mufti Muneeb. I think the operative word is necessity. Do it when necessary. Keep the interaction formal. Make your rules clear such as you're all allowed to pray behind me, I'm not allowed to pray behind you. Did Mufti Muneeb have to attend the devbandi "mosque" inauguration? Did he have to make taziyat for the dead rafidi or devbandi? Like AQ said, let's set the ground rules. Interaction will happen. But it can't be carte blanche. It ain't no free for all and deviants can't be treated like Sunnis. We won't allow it and we will always call it out and the concerned parties can then explain themselves. We can't stay silent because then the disease spreads. Mufti e Azam has an excellent fatwa on issues of common concern that Shaykh aH should translate and explain.
On your last point, to be fair, Mufti Akmal said that people of Mufti Muneen ur Rehman's position should have strong evidences for their modus operandi. I agree with @AbdalQadir that we're living in a very different world to the world known to Ala Hazrat. The principles never change but how they're applied is subject to the needs of the time. That was the genuis of Ala hazrat, he understood the need of his time was to push back the spread of Wahabism. The proof is in the pudding because even the deos had to a least 'moderate their stance publicly' to survive.
we need to ask the ulama to define sulh kulliyat please. perhaps introduce a new discipline or a text book in the much coveted Darse Nizami. Here's a title - Halal & Haram Social Interactions of Sunni Ulama - With General Public As Well As Scholars of Other Sects & Religions. Learn independent critical thinking and tafaqquh. Ala Hazrat himself might not be pleased with rattafication of his fatawa without any critical thinking vis a vis current contexts. He certainly didn't do it himself with the fatawa of his elders! The subcontinent people like me have opened our eyes in is different than the subcontinent our kids have seen. The subcontinent our parents, grandparents, and Ala Hazrat lived in is a different planet compared to present day India. Can any of us approach the "ulama" of the Haramayn for a fatwa on this or that issue like Ala Hazrat did? Yes wahabiyat and rafziyat is the same, but again, the wahabis and rafzis of our times too are very different than those of Ala Hazrat's times. How many of us can put our hands on our hearts and say our immediate and extended family is full of exclusively Sunnis? Other than those born in scholarly homes, we all know the state of the common folks and their families. And are the Sunnis really Sunnis? Is your average Sunni on the street the same as the average Sunni of Ala Hazrat's times in terms of aqidah? Is every devbandi on the street well versed with the works of his "hakeemul ummat"? How many Sunni common people do you know who have read a full two books of aqidah and fiqh? How many devbandis and tablighis by the same token? Yes DI and Faizane Sunnat are doing good. (tablighis are lost with fazaile aamaal) mostly already are. even those things are falling apart, other than DI/SDI kind of grassroots efforts or the few knowledge oriented teachers like Asrar Rashid. what tadris? what khutbah? - rehashed to the nth time stories of karamats and blasting of wahabis and devbandis and notekhwani with naarebazi thrown in just for emotional effect. --- this is not a defense or offense of anyone. just a call for ulama to be more proactive in providing practical and sustainable solutions for themselves as well as Sunni awam. be proactive problem solvers, not problem announcers! if someone thinks Muneebur Rehman is sulh kulli, he needs to provide a solution to the kind things you have addressed, PR with other religious and political entities etc. if Muneebur Rehman thinks he's right, he's gotta provide a robust justification for his modus operandi, other than one liners here and there.
Mufti Akmal Sahab defends Mufti Muneeb ur Rahman, suggesting that they are compelled to maintain a degree of diplomacy (Sulleh Kulliyat?) at the political level, for the greater good of ASWJ as not doing so will cause Immense harm There is indeed a certain level of truth to this, as anyone who fully adheres to Ala Hazrat’s strict Anti-Budmazhab fatwas is unlikely to be allowed to remain in such positions. So, what's the solution? If scholars completely distance themselves from politics and governmental roles, such as those in finance, banking, or Ru’yat-e-Hilal committees, these positions will fall entirely at the mercy of Devbandis. So Is mufti Akmal correct or should the Ulama really abandon all such positions and concern themselves only with Tablīgh, Imamah, Khutbah & Tadrīs etc (Like Dawateislami)?
I do not follow Pakistan's politics or who has been in n out of government so appreciate the correction. Mufti sab wrestled with that pig for too long and you can see the dirt. I don't think there is fault in his Minhaj but his diplomatic manner and not-offending tone angers me. As a Mufti you got to speak straight and aim for the Kafirs Kufr boldly. This walking on egg shells, o ill offend them, o this tone is above my worthy status education ...
Salam alaykum What Mufti Sab wrote is neither here nor there. He seema to be insinuating, Barelwi N Deobandi is new division in foundation both are Sunni n Hanafi. Secondly he seems to be attempting to be unbiased judge and advising accordingly without being explicit n blasting Deobandi misguidance N is not calling spade a spade. Perks of be government ka Ghulam is that you have to say inclusive bs. Bichara has to keep his job. This is why our akabir stayed clear of government officials cause they knew to appease leaders n people they will sell their iman. Not that Mufti Sab has sold his iman but he is just being diplomatic. In conclusion, this insinuation is zann not sarri. I give him the benefit of doubt but dislike his job bachanay wala tone.
Sayyid Sayfullah is usually better. This is a weak reply. Whataboutism and fallacies. He himself is agreeing on many points that the objections stand. Yes, one point that does seem fair is that Mufti Muneeb didn't write Devs are Sunni, it appears he said in urf they are known as Sunni Hanafi. I couldn't find page 138 of volume 4 to check the pages.
I've got nothing personal against Mufti sahib. But nobody is above questioning. If we stop asking questions, things will go from bad to worse. We live in the internet age and more than ever, we have to question everything.
this is apparently the original video. Sayyid Mushahid sahib's allegations are from 14:20 until 16:30 mins. i watched till 25:30. the gist of his allegations is that Muneebur Rehman is not just chummy in behavior, but rather politically correct with devbandis. that can be a separate thread - on Muneebur Rehman's behavior with devbandis. --- this thread can be a standalone topic - should refutations be public or not? i agree with Aqdas' post # 2.
This is actually a really good video. Disclaimer: I don't know what the objections are on Mufti Muneeb. The original video by Sayyid Mushahid is nearly an hour long so I didn't watch. --- Nadir has made some great points. We've been saying this for a long time. He's made some of these points too. 1. We didn't bring anything online. It was already online. 2. Why didn't you contact the person first? Why should we? The content was already online. 3. People attack the person who refutes, for attacking the one who's being refuted. Hold on: aren't you now doing the same? You're telling us not to refute online. So why are you refuting us online?! 4. If the objections are valid, what's the problem? 5. It's you who's done the action. Why are you blaming us for questioning it? If you don't want to be questioned, don't do dodgy stuff.