New Book Release: Protection of Faith in the Gardens of Salvation

Discussion in 'Bibliophile's Corner' started by MadinahPublishing, Aug 30, 2023.

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  1. MadinahPublishing

    MadinahPublishing New Member

  2. MadinahPublishing

    MadinahPublishing New Member

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    Abdullah Ahmed, hamza1 and Unbeknown like this.
  3. chisti-raza

    chisti-raza Veteran

    May Allah Ta'ala accept your good efforts.
  4. Ikhwaan

    Ikhwaan New Member

    May Allah accept your efforts and grant acceptance to the book.
    Ali_Bash and MadinahPublishing like this.
  5. MadinahPublishing

    MadinahPublishing New Member

    Book Launch

    As-salāmu ʿalaykum,

    Hope you are well In shāʾ Allāh. After 3 years of effort in producing this work, I am pleased to finally release my book:

    Protection of Faith in the Gardens of Salvation - A Study into Imām Ahmad Razā’s Poetic Defence of the Sunnī Creed

    Delve into the uncharted realm of A‘lā Hazrat Imām Ahmad Razā Khān's poetic genius as a valiant guardian of the Sunnī creed. In this groundbreaking academic study, the intricate tapestry of his verses comes to life, shedding light on how he courageously defended the sacred doctrine against the tumultuous waves of heresy during his era. For the first time in the English language, this meticulously crafted work navigates A‘lā Hazrat’s poetry with simplicity and accessibility, providing readers with a profound understanding through the lens of his own fatāwā and other remarkable compositions. Embark on a journey that uncovers the rich heritage of faith, resilience, and poetic brilliance woven by A‘lā Hazrat, as his verses continue to resonate across time, echoing the resolute spirit of Sunnī tradition.

    The book contains:

    Foreword by:
    Hafiz Dr Ather Hussain al-Azhari

    Written endorsements from:
    - Muftī Asjad Razā Khān Qādirī (Bareilly al-Sharīf, India);
    - Shaykh ‘Abdul Hādī Qādirī Ridāwī (Durban, South Africa)
    - Shaykh Asrār Rashīd (Birmingham, UK)

    Find out more:

    Mohammad Nādir Razā

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