New Features of Sunniport !

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by masabih, Feb 5, 2005.

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  1. masabih

    masabih Staff Member

    Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Raheem
    As Salaatu was Salaam `ala Sayyadil `aalameen
    Muhammadin wa aalihi wa ashaabihi ajmaeen.


    Dear Users,

    We are nearly done with the Upgrade to the site - With the current updgrade the following features should be available to you all.

    1) A structured download mechanism with categories in which users can upload files themselves - users can upload files with descriptions and comments - There is an approval mechanism for uploads so as to keep away unwanted content.

    2) The forum now allows attachments to posts so there would be no need to upload and link to files/images elsewhere on the web.

    3) A feature to have a repository of selected articles, We intend this to be a collection of original content and articles from well known Sunni `ulema which do not have any copyright issues - We encourage members to try this feature and populate the categories once the categories are made. inshallah

    4) There is a user managed link repository as well in which categories can be added by us on request and all users can add to the links

    5) An album for images/art/wallpapers..etc is - again user managed + moderated ( This will be shortly available inshaallah

    6) An Editable Calendar to add upcoming Events. inshaallah

    All of what you see is a step towards a pure community driven site - making Sunniport - your own site. inshallah.

    was salam,

    Admin Team

    Sunniport Ahlussunnah Portal
    Riyad ar-Rida Islamic Forums

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