Occult Satanism and Nursery Rhymes

Discussion in 'General Topics' started by Moriarty, Aug 28, 2016.

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  1. Moriarty

    Moriarty Veteran

    Aleicster Crowley the nortorious magician:

    "Every nursery rime contains profound magical secrets which are open to every one who has made a study of the correspondences of the Holy Qabalah. To puzzle out an imaginary meaning for this "nonsense" sets one thinking of the Mysteries; one enters into deep contemplation of holy things and God Himself leads the soul to a real illumination. Hence also the necessity of Incarnation; the soul must descend into all falsity in order to attain All-Truth."

    A peculiarity regarding Western nursery rhymes is that they are tinged with melancholy. Whether Jack fell down and broke his crown, the baby falls from the tree top, two of the pigs get devoured, or if the sky is falling, it is hard to miss the seeming tragic themes that underly the tails first taught to children.
    Aarif Ali likes this.

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