PAQS on old friends

Discussion in 'Bickering' started by abu Hasan, Oct 4, 2014.

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  1. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    my tabSarah on six minutes of taqrir:

    imam abu yusuf not imam yusuf.

    imam abu yusuf became a qaDi after sayyiduna imam a'zam abu hanifah passed away. however, he did start his own Halaqah, or class. and imam azam didn't tell him that he doesn't know how to do 'istinja' (as PAQS describes).

    imam abu yusuf at that time was a far more accomplished scholar than PAQS can aspire to become - but he was not at that level of ijtihad, which imam azam (being his teacher) knew that he could reach. comparing imam azam to a shoddy scholar like himself (PAQS) is an insult to imam azam. because, imam azam being a sincere murabbi also knew how to bring back his student, and eventually the student returned to his teacher, and remained in his madh'hab, which is a tribute to the perfection of the teacher.

    secondly, PAQS claims that he respects his own teachers. in the first place, if he knew how to respect elders, anonymous nobodies would not be highlighting his mistakes, nor would perhaps his (now estranged) friends, students would have left him. (Allah knows best) this is the least punishment that is the portion of those who become arrogant and promote themselves as being smarter than elders (by attempting to bad mouth them or degrade them).

    technically, (and historically) dhu'l khuwaysirah is considered as the first khariji - and those who rebelled against mawla `ali raDiyallahu anhu were followers of dhu'l khuwaysirah.

    it is said that 12,000 went against mawla ali in Harura'a, perhaps there is another version of 18,000 which PAQS mentions.

    about khawarij, PAQS claims that he has never seen a khariji return even though he has seen a murtaddin revert.

    even though in a lengthy hadith of ibn abbas raDiyallahu anhu, where he went to a group of khawarij (6000 of them) to debate with them and refute their claims - it is said that 2000 of them reverted and the rest remained as rebels and went to war with ameeru'l mu'minin.

    so ibn abbas raDiyallahu anhu says that khawarij have returned, contradicting PAQS claim.

    about the mufti that he signed off which PAQS claims that it was done without his knowledge and was fooled into signing a document - PAQS did not realise that by this claim, he has himself invalidated all the sanads he has given. because, he has a habit of signing documents such as "sanad for ifta" without even reading.

    Allah ta'ala knows best.
  2. Ghulam

    Ghulam Veteran

    No one knows the Qur'an or Sunnah from those who have left him and are also Khawārij.

    He says the Khawārij were all educated but contradicts himself saying all those that left him are uneducated!

    Makes a comparison of himself and a man he authorised to become Mufti to Sayyidina Imam abu Hanifa (RadiAllahu anhu) and Imam abu Yusuf (RadiAllahu anhu)

    Last edited: Oct 3, 2014

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