is he the same person as the author of Usul e Takfir and Ilfidā wa al-Jihād fi al-Islām, that is Pir Muhammed Chishti Chitralwi? I have read these books and must say that these are really excellent books on these topics, but what i did not like was that he appears to be a şlaĥ kulli like tahir al-qadri, at one place in ilfida wa al-jihad he attributes iranian revolution as islami inqilab. however in Usul e Takfir he uses kufriya ibaraat of deobandis for technical analysis of iltizam-e-kufr. can some brother shed some more light whether he is a şlaĥ kulli or not.
May Allah Tabaarak wa Ta'ala protect the great 'Ulamaa of Islam the Ahl al Sunnah aameen bi jaah in Nabi al Kareem sall Allahu 'alaihi wa Aalihi wasallam. 'Allamah Pir Muhammad Chishti Sahib Qiblah has done great services for the Ahl al Sunnah in Pakistan.
Pir Muhammad Chisti - Peshawar - Teacher of Pir Syed Irfan Shah Sahib Teacher of Pir Syed Irfan Shah - Pir Muhammad Chisti pays rich Tribute to his student