:s1: I popped into Waterstones earlier and was browsing some of their books, in particular the book by Paxman entitled, The English, which I've read previously but it is such a learned and entertaining read that I spent a whole hour reading it in the Cafe with a cup of latte for company. Has anyone else here read it? I highly recommend it. It's a great book and the review below, from the NYT, is also intelligent! http://www.nytimes.com/books/01/01/28/reviews/010128.28toyntot.html?_r=1&oref=slogin" Read the first chapter: http://www.nytimes.com/books/first/p/paxman-english.html Why post it on an Islamic forum? Well, since many people on here are probably from overseas it's the best book I know for understanding the English--a people who ruled much of the Islamic world and who still exert a powerful pull on their former colonies--though many may not admit it anymore!;-)