Refutation of Yasir Qadhi

Discussion in 'Aqidah/Kalam' started by faqir, May 28, 2008.

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  1. faqir

    faqir Veteran

    well, its not all bad.... better that then the nightclub or pub / bar!
  2. Wadood

    Wadood Veteran

    I have a Pakistani mid-teenage friend living in all-white Pensylvania and guess who did he join recently?

  3. faqir

    faqir Veteran

    al-maghrib is well packaged, thats easy to see - i'm not in the US but i'm guessing thats probably also why its the most successful outfit in the US amongst the youth?

    i would guess that zaytuna is the only other real 'competition'?
  4. Wadood

    Wadood Veteran

    I have asked questions to Sidi Abu Adam and alHamduLilAllah

    Those posters/flyers seem so artificial, scary mostly, with thunderous lightnings showing as if they are going to crash on you and silly clocks and fast autos with small dark windows, as if you are in a hurry to go somewhere.
  5. abu nibras

    abu nibras Staff Member

    Now this blog should stop, as it might hurt the fame of 32 year old Yasir Qadhi Houstonwaley, the ENGLISH SPEAKING savior of salafis, and expert of rebranding heresy of wahabism and maker (non-shirk type- dont confuse) of cultured and fine idiots out of teenagers at al maghrib.

    I mean have you ever bothered to take a look at their beautiful posters and flyers, they are so cool.

    and dont you know the adage, a man who churns out more than what he reads is a sure sign of knowledge.

    aatey hain ghayb se yeh mazameen khayaal mein
    yasir sareer-e-khama nawa-e-sarosh hai

    (with due apologies to ghalib)

  6. loveProphet

    loveProphet Guest

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