May Allah 'Azzawajal Grant Her Place in Jannat al-Firdaus in Sadqah and Shafa'at of His Blessed Habeeb Sallallahu 'Alayhe Wasallam . AAMEEN
al fatiHa May Allah ta'ala give her a place right next to the Beloved SalAllahu alaihi wa alihi wa sallam
Innaa lillaahi wa innaa ilaihi raaji3oon. Hamdan lahu awwalan wa aakhiran wa jalla thana'uh May Allah have mercy on her soul and grant her from the highest levels of jannah, and forgive and have mercy on all Muslim deceased. May He grant us all khatima bil khayr on His deen and grant us all a vision of His beloved like your nanijan was granted. May He raise us all under the beloved Prophet's (Sal Allahu 3alaihi wa sallam) banner on the day of reckoning as muqallids of our beloved Imam-e-A3zdham and murids of our beloved Ghawth-e-A3zdham (ridwan Allahi 3alaihim), despite how pathetic we are and let us be blessed by Aaqa's shafa3ah. Aameen, bi jaahi nabiyyil ameen.
Please make dua’a for my Nani (maternal grandmother) Marhumah Qadri Chishti rahmatullahi Ta’ala ‘alaihaa she passed away on Friday last week 22nd April at the age of 86. She was a mureedah of the son of Qibla e Aalam Sayyiduna Pir Sayyid Mehr ‘Ali Shah, Pir Sayyid Ghulaam Mu’in al Din Shah al Golrawi rahmatullahi Ta’ala ‘alaihima. She deeply loved the Prophet Muhammad sall Allahu ‘alaihi wa Aalihi wasallam and used to read Qur’an and durood sharif in abundance. She was fortunate to have been blessed with the vision of the Prophet sall Allahu ‘alaihi wa Aalihi wasallam in her dreams twice. She also loved the Awliyaa of Allah Ta’ala especially al Ghawth al A’azam Shaykh ‘Abd ul Qadir al Jilani, Khawajah Mu’in al Din al Chishti, Sayyiduna Pir Sayyid Mehr ‘Ali Shah and A’ala Hadrat Imam Ahmad Raza Khan al Bareilwi rahmatullahi Ta’ala ‘alaihim ajma’ieen. Al Hamdulillah I had the honour of writing the Ahad Namah and Qadri Chishti Shajarah Sharif that was placed in her grave with Khaak e Shifaa from Madinah. She was a very great and pious woman please make dua’a that Allah grants her Jannat al Firdaws in the vicinity of the Prophet Muhammad sall Allahu ‘alaihi wa Aalihi wasallam His family, His companions and the great Awliyaa. May Allah Ta'ala forgive all of her sins and elevate her rank. Aameen bi jahin Nabi al Kareem sall Allahu ‘alaihi wa Aalihi wasallam. Aameen ya Rabb al 'aalameen