Request! Good classical book for zikr, awraad and wazaif [remembrance and litanies]

Discussion in 'Adhkar' started by sherkhan, Apr 28, 2023.

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  1. غلام رسول

    غلام رسول Active Member

    Hisne Haseen is a compilation of Azkar from Quran and Hadith. Ijazah is not required to recite Azkar from Quran and Hadith. The same applies to Ratib Al Haddad.
    Ghulam e Mustafa likes this.
  2. Ghulam e Mustafa

    Ghulam e Mustafa Active Member

    Do we need ijazah to read hisn e haseen brother hasan
  3. Ghulam e Mustafa

    Ghulam e Mustafa Active Member

    Anybody has ijazah to Haddad ratheeb awrab book??
  4. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

  5. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    we listed books of dua from hadith in this thread refuting the uncouth akram nadwi:

    if sh. yaqubi has any respect for hadith, he will at least take umbrage at nadwi's ravings, as we cannot expect him to have the heart to refute the zindiq (i.e. akram nadwi) and his heresies.


    i am reposting this [check this very thread, post#5, 2008]

    al-adhkar by imam nawawi for prayers (dua);

    another book is imam al-jazari's al-Hisn al-Hasin [a formidable fortress]: there is an interesting story about this book and its compilation.

    two other books by imam yusuf an-nabhani:

    mufarrij al-kurub wa mufarriH al-qulub: [that which eases agony and pleases the heart] this is a good book and you can probably mark a few regular du'a to recite/read in mornings and evenings. apart from various important everyday du'a from sunnah, it also includes
    • Hizb of muHiyuddin ibn al-arabi [an eloquent compilation and prayer by various verses of the qur'an]
    • Hizb al-baHr of imam shadhili
    • Hizb of imam nawawi and
    • Hizb of shaykh abdu'l Qadir jilani.
    recent copies of the book include his other booklet Hizbu'l istighaathat bi sayyidi's saadat which is a collection of 40 forms of istighatha and tawassul.

    riyaD al-jannah min adhkar al-kitabi wa's sunnah. [a garden of paradise - litanies drawn from the Book and Sunnah]: this is a collection of du'a from the Book and from hadith. a good book for those who would like to include it in a routine.

    these books are easily available and immediately usable (there are diacritical markings making it easy for non-arabs to recite)


    Allah ta'ala knows best.
    HASSAN likes this.
  6. غلام رسول

    غلام رسول Active Member

  7. hamza1

    hamza1 Active Member

  8. hamza1

    hamza1 Active Member

  9. Khanah

    Khanah Veteran

    Al Wird Al Latif is recited by the Ba Alawi's, complied by Imam Al Haddad. See here:

  10. غلام رسول

    غلام رسول Active Member

    Pdf copy.

    Attached Files:

  11. AMQadiri

    AMQadiri Seeker

    Du`ā of `Āfiyah
    Supplication for a Well-Being
    A very powerful du`ā granted by the noble son of Sayyidī ‘A`lā Ḥaḍrat, Muftī ‘A`ẓam Hind ‘Imām Muṣṭafā Riḍā’ Khān (rahmatullah alayh).
  12. Ghulam e Mustafa

    Ghulam e Mustafa Active Member

    Dua for aafiyath?
    Can anyone elaborate aafiyath and how can one ask dua for aafiyath..
  13. sherkhan

    sherkhan Veteran

  14. غلام رسول

    غلام رسول Active Member

    It is not necessary to recite Durood Sharif before and after Tasbih e Fatimah or other masnoon Azkar recited after every namaz.

    For other Awrad and Wazaif it is recommended to recite Durood Sharif before and after 11 times or a minimum of three times, or the specific amount mentioned for that particular Wazifa.
  15. Alf

    Alf Well-Known Member

    Where it's written that a certain zikr or wazifa is to be recited a specific number of times, such as Fatima Tasbih after every fard namaz, is it necessary to recite darood sharif at least three times before and after, even when that is not specifically mentioned?
  16. غلام رسول

    غلام رسول Active Member

    Huzoor Mufti e Azam e Hind علیہ الرحمة has stated in the appendix of Al Wazifa tul Karima
    that reciting Surah Fatiha 100 times daily with wasl e meem is effective for all hajaat. If one cannot recite 100 times in one sitting then they should recite 30 times after Fajr, 25 after Dhuhr, 20 after ‘Asr, 15 after Maghrib and 10 after ‘Isha.

    Another method is to recite 21 times after Fajr, 22 after Dhuhr, 23 after ‘Asr, 24 after Maghrib and 10 after ‘Isha.

    Another method is to recite 18 times after every namaz except Maghrib when you will recite 28 times. All three methods add up to 100 recitations in the whole day.

    The Mashaikh of Silsila Qadiriyya recite the following Dua three times upon completion of the 100 recitations:
    Imam Al-Haddad has mentioned the following Dua to be recited three times upon completion of the recitation:

    It is beneficial to recite Surah Ikhlas 10 times or a minimum of three times after every namaz, and 102 times as a daily Wird.

    Pir Syed Jamaat Ali shah رحمة اللہ تعالی علیہ would recite Durood Sharif 100 times followed by Istighfar 100 times after ‘Isha, then they would lie on their right side and recite Surah Ikhlas 100 times before sleeping. After Fajr they would recite Istighfar 100 times and conclude with Durood Sharif 100 times.

    The Mashaikh consider 313 times as kasrat.
  17. AbdalQadir

    AbdalQadir time to move along! will check pm's.

  18. AbdalQadir

    AbdalQadir time to move along! will check pm's.

    Bashair Al-Khayrat - (video disabled to play embedded on other sites, you gotta play on youtube direct)

    Subhan Allah, these days you can pretty much get any wird on youtube just by entering the name, recited by Arab reciters, so you can check and verify your own recitation or listen and add harakaat yourself

    Last edited: Oct 25, 2021
  19. AbdalQadir

    AbdalQadir time to move along! will check pm's.

  20. izz al-Din

    izz al-Din Well-Known Member

    Mufti Shahib, jzk
    any darud Sharif that is equivalent to reciting the entirety of dalayil al Khayrat sharif?

    the comprehensive du'a from quut al-qulub, in arabic, with the harakat, (if time permitting)?

    also, i know of a riwayat attributed to our Imam, Ala Hadrat, Rahmat Allahi Ta'la alayh, about reciting alFatiha Sharif 100 times a day, is this correct? and, is it without permission for ordainary Muslims?
    are there any other riwayat from our Imam, Ala Hadrat, Rahmat Allahi Ta'la alayh, about Sura Ikhlas Sharif, and, the recomended amount to be recited in a day, 100 or 200?

    how much is kasrat considered amoungst the Ulama e Kiraam, Radhi Allahu Ta'la anhum)
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2021

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