from shaykh 'abdul haq dihlawi says: when one sees rasulAllah sallAllahu 'alaihi wasallam, he will be on the level of the saHaba. 'allama kazmi explains: this does not mean he will be a saHabi; it means that he will be on their level. to be a shaheed is one thing; to be on their level is another. ---end of kazmi sahib quote--- i reckon this is what sayyid 'irfan shah meant
this is a circular but self-defeating argument. you use the word SaHib/companion to claim that he is with us always; and you also say that being with us does not necessitate that he is a companion. obviously, i do not have a problem with the meaning of hazir/nazir. i just do not see the istidlal. Allah ta'ala knows best.
there are people who meet with rasulAllah sallAllahu 'alaihi wasallam but we cannot term them SaHabi. the definition of SaHabi must exclude meeting rasulAllah sallAllahu 'alaihi wasallam after his blessed demise. there are awliya who constantly see rasulAllah sallAllahu 'alaihi wasallam but we cannot call them SaHaba. so being in the presence of rasulAllah sallAllahu 'alaihi wasallam only during his apparent lifetime makes one a SaHabi. note: seeing is not a condition as some SaHaba were blind. anyway, i understand your points. i feel sayyid sahib was pointing towards 49:7, annabiyu awla bi'l mu'mineena min anfusihim. Allahu a'alam
the problem with this reasoning is that not all the verses of the qur'an are addressed to all the people or all of the time. there is the principle of aam and khaaS [general - for everybody; and specific - for a specific audience]. --- while the ayah is generic in its meaning - that is 'your companion did not go astray' is true for ever and for all times, the verse was a specific answer to an objection and addressed to a specific person/group; quraysh in this case. --- the word 'SaHib' has two meanings: in case of all muslims - it would be master; and in case of contemporaries [whilst RasulAllah sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam had not passed away] - it would be companion. --- imam razi says in tafsir al-kabir: [SaHibukum] has two meanings: one 'your master' [sayyidukum] and the other 'your companion' [maSahibukum] as they say, the master of the house [SaHibu'l Bayt] or Lord of the house [Rabbu'l Bayt]. ---- imam abu's su'ud in irshad al-`aql as-salim: .... ....this is addressed to quraysh [wa'l khiTabu li quraysh]. and the description of RasulAllah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as their companion is to highlight that they [quraysh] knew his blessed life in detail and emphasize that he was absolutely free from negative attributes; [this verse emphasizes] and he was absolutely on the path of guidance and righteousness. because he has been in your company for a long time `alayhi's salatu wa's salam and you [quraysh] have witnessed his outstandingly beautiful character, virtue and supreme righteousness; thus We state it here in very certain terms. ---- abu Hayyan in bahr al-muHiT: [SaHibukum] that is Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and it is addressed to Quraysh. That is: He is Rightly Guided and the Guide; and he is not like the way you describe him to be that he is misguided and in error. --- zamakhshari under the same verse: [SaHibukum] that is Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and it is addressed to Quraysh. [note: zamakhshari is a mu'tazili; but his mastery of the language is acknowledged. that is why his tafsir is quoted by our scholars in linguistic matters] ---- conversely, if he is SaHib/companion for muslims for ever, then every one of us is a companion, a SaHabi - why single out only his contemporaries as SaHabah? Allah ta'ala knows best.
Sher-e-Ahle Sunnat Maulana Sayyid Irfan Shah Mash'hadi did a talk yesterday. He said that in Sura Najm, Allah says: Your Companion is neither astray nor being misled (Yusuf Ali) Sahibukum has been translated as your companion. Allama Sahib said Sahib is he who meets with you. The Qur'an is for all until the final day. So, Rasoolallah is our 'Sahib' sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam. He meets with us. Allama Sahib said that this is because he is present with all Muslims until the final day sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam. It's the first time I heard this beautiful tafseer.