Dubai firm to help digitise rare books, manuscripts Deccan Chronicle : 05 Jan 05 Hyderabad, Jan. 4: A Dubai-based non-profit org-anisation has decided to help the city save its heritage of manuscripts and rare books through digitisation. To begin with, the Juma Al-Majid Centre for Culture and Heritage has chosen two city institutions — Idara-e-Adabiyat-e-Urdu and Jamea Nizamia — which together have over 5,500 manuscripts in Urdu, Persian and Arabic. The documents, some of them moth-eaten and worn, showcase the synthesis of Indian history, culture and literature that has evolved in the region over centuries. The JAMC undertakes such work in different parts of the world. Earlier, Indian scholars visiting Dubai had app-rised JAMC founder Juma Al-Majid about the treasure trove of old books and manuscripts in India, impressing upon him the need to save the extremely endangered documents, which were an important link with the past. Most of the documents languished in private libraries and with individuals who were unable to take care of them, they said. Al Majid immediately appointed a team to visit South India and find ways to save the documents. One of the teams zeroed in on Idara and Nizamia in Hyderabad. Idara secretary Prof. Moghni Tabassum told Decc-an Chronicle that according to the MoU signed, the JAMC would photograph, scan and store the documents in computer hard discs, making two sets of CDs. One CD would be given to Idara and the other taken to JAMC in Dubai, to be made available to researchers and scholars free of cost. JAMC representative Syed Hashim said that manmade disasters such as wars and natural calamities like the recent tsunami pose a grave danger to world heritage. Someone has to step in to safeguard the treasures for posterity. abu nibras