Seeking a Cure from the Earth and Dust of Madinah Tayyibah

Discussion in 'Hadith' started by Qasim Hanafi Ridwi, Mar 23, 2008.

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  1. Whilst in Madinah Munawwarah Some brothers requested me to provide authetic hadith regarding the 'Khaak e Shifaa' from Madinah Tayyibah. I have translated two authentic ahaadith of the Blessed Prophet Muhammad sall Allahu a'laihi wa Aalihi wasallam, that will dispel all doubts that people have regarding this issue, in sha Allah A'zza wa Jall

    Seeking a Cure from the Earth and Dust of Madinah Tayyibah[1]

    Umm ul Mumineen Sayyidatuna A’ishah as Sidiqah radi Allahu Ta’ala a’nha narrated that if a person ever came in the court of the Prophet Muhammad sall Allahu a’laihi wa Aalihi sallam with any kind of problem or a complaint (in terms of health) or if a person had a boil or any other wound. The Prophet Muhammad sall Allahu a’laihi wa Aalihi sallam would do this with his finger and say (and Sufyan placed his index finger on the ground and then raised it):

    “Bi Ismillahi, turbatu ardina, biriqati ba’dina, liyushfa bihi saqimuna, bidhni Rabbina”

    “Allah’s name I begin with, the earth from our land, and through the saliva of some from amongst us, it is a cure for our sick”.

    Mutafaqun a’laihi, Agreed upon by Bukhari and Muslim the above is the hadith from Sahih Muslim a similar narration is mentioned in Abu Dawud.

    Fadail ul Madinah an Nabawiyah Volume 1 Page 695

    Seeking a cure from the earth of the valley of Bathan Madinah Munawwarah

    Sayyiduna Thabit bin Qais bin Shamaas radi Allahu Ta’ala a’nhu narrated that the Prophet Muhammad sall Allahu a’laihi wa sallam came to visit him when he was sick. The Prophet Muhammad sall Allahu a’lahi wa sallam supplicated:

    “Ikshif al baas, Rabban naas, a’n Thabit ibni Qays ibni Shamaas”

    “O the Lord of all mankind! remove the pain from Thabit bin Qais bin Shamaas”.

    Then the Prophet Muhammad sall Allahu a’laihi wa sallam took some earth from the valley of Bathan and placed it in a vessel and blew upon the water. He then placed it in the vessel and poured it over Sayyiduna Thabit bin Qais bin Shamaas radi Allahu Ta’ala a’nhu.

    Bukhari in his Tarikh, Abu Dawud and Nasai in A’mal ul Yawm wal Lail, Ibn Hibaan, Tabrani in Kabir and Abu Naee’m in Ma’rifat us Sahabah.

    It is said that the place where the Prophet Muhammad sall Allahu a’laihi wa Aalihi sallam took the earth was Su’ayb and this is in the Wadi ul Bathan.

    Fadail ul Madinah an Nabawiyah Volume 1 Page 699

    Translated by Muhammad Qasim Rizwi ghufira lahu

    [1] The word Tayyibah means clean and pure.

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