This is a translation of one of the poems of Shaykh Al-Islam, the reviver of the Qadiri path in the Horn of Africa, the upholder of the Sunnah, the Lover of Mustafa ﷺ, Shaykh Abdurahman Az-Zayla'i As-Somali Ash-Shafi'i Al-Ash'ari Al-Qadiri in praise of Al-Qutb Ar-Rabbani Al-Ghawth As-Samadani Muhyidin Abdulqadir Al-Jaylani: Our Lord! Our Lord! Our Lord! Attain our hopes through Al-Ghawth Al-Adham! Bliss for the students of the noble master, I mean, the master and Qutb Ghawth Al-Adham! The Sayid from the two Hasans, the Gray Falcon Who imitated Taha ﷺ and Haydar in his speech! He is the one if his name is called, In difficulty shall save without divination! A promise he gave, that his Murid shall not die Except upon repentance from their sins! And whoever does Tawasul by him, It shall be fulfilled, even if it be by the Red Sea! Rather, he did not ever do any act, Except with permission from his Lord, the Ever-Speaking! How many of the men of the Unseen purified after him, Becoming completed due to his divided Faydh! For him were miraculous wonders before his appearance, And appeared after his established death! May Allah send Salawat upon the Prophet Al-Mustafa ﷺ, and the Household and Companions and every Muslim! And pardon he who is praised, Abdulqadir - The great Sultan of all the Awliya! Along with those who are listening and present, and those feeding for the sake of the Noble Ghawth!