@ yunani mubtadiy daall mudill the filth in your heart is apparent. your accursed avatar has obscured the ism al-jalalah and the blessed name of RasulAllah sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam. the reason it didn't even register in your filthy brain is that you are raised on the garbage dump of disrespect. if you had adab, you would have realised that your avatar screams: al-iyadhu billah: "there is no god...[representation of a wahabi] ... uthaymin is dead and rotten. don't follow dead men. it is shirk in your accursed madh'hab to follow dead men. may Allah guide you or cleanse this earth from the likes of you. la Hawla wa la quwwata illa billah.
Bidah according to Ibn Rajab Ibn Rajab said: “A Bid’ah is any form of worship which has no basis in the Sharee’ah (Islamic Law).” General rules to recognise a Bid’ah: • Any act of worship which is based on a fabricated narration, like the prayer in the month of Rajab which is called the prayer of Raghaa’ib. • Any act of worship which the Prophet did not perform, although there were no preventing factors, like uttering the intention before beginning the prayer, calling Adhaan for any prayer other than the five obligatory ones or praying after finishing Sa’y between mount Safaa and Marwah. Festivals, celebrations, birthday, Eids, Bidah [mod edit: undeserving titles removed from mubtadiy's name] Muhammad Bin Saalih Al-Uthaymeen [mod edit: may Allah give him what he deserved عامله الله بعدله] said: Everything that is taken as a day of day of celebration, repeated every week and every year and is not legislated in Islaam, then it is a Bidah (innovated practice). That is because the One [i.e. Allaah] Who legislates everything has legislated the Aqeeqah (see footnote a) for the newly born baby and did not legislate anything after that. Therefore, adopting these celebrations that are repeated every week or every year means that they have likened them to Islamic festivals and this is not permissible. There is nothing in Islam related to festivals except for Eid Al-Fitr and Eid Al-Adha, and (a day set aside for a specific type of worship), which is Friday. [Sharh Kitaab at-Tawheed, 1/382] mod note: may Allah never give success to wahabis and may Allah destroy every last of the utterly despicable wahabis.
Isnt the first level of proper Hijab for a woman staying in the house? Isnt it haraam for those Tv presenter women to even go to the studio since exiting the house without an Islamic need is not allowed? Also about the women wearing loose dupatta alone then yes it is a shame Muslim women go outside like this when in fact such manner of dress is more suitable for inside the house.
Mufti Akmal: The culture in Mawlid programs these days is that the host (naqeeb e mehfil) asks the crowd to "raise one hand on Naara e Takbeer and two hands on Naara e Risalat, and those who really love RasulUllah (Sallalaho Alyhe Wasallam)..or..wish to go Madinah will do it". All this is not needed and useless. A few days before in Punjab (Pakistan), a host asked people to test their Eemaan, "Those who do not love RasulUllah raise their hand?" A guy mistakenly raised his hand. An ignorant molvi sitting on the stage, declared the guy to be a Gustaakh e Rasool. The guy went home, cut his hand off, put it in a tray and sent it to the Molvi with the message that the hand that has done blasphemy needs to be chopped off. The ignorant molvi is responsible for this incident. There was no need to ask any such question at all. This raising hand slogans need to be stopped. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=940809849331588&id=100002077446994
Please merge this threads http://sunniport.com/index.php?threads/dawah-man-milad-bidah.13050/ http://sunniport.com/index.php?threads/mawlid-debate-what-a-disappointment.13092/
thanks bro. btw, his facebook sob-sob story says Sh Asrar spoke in between, but in the video it just looks like the speaker and him both are anti-tahir and both speaking against him it's simply awesome that tahir was brought up and his admirers had to listen to it. may Allah humiliate all of them even further.
https://www.facebook.com/HAROONIQ/videos/10208341678357597/ If it doesn't work - let me know. It's the same zombie who was justifying St Patrick's Day
any links, or transcripts of those words and the circumstances they were uttered in? and is that ticked off miskeen tahir's son? kinda looks like him.
Good to see that both Shaykh Asrar and Imam Asim spoke about Tahir in front of a big gathering. The Minhajis are feeling cornered. It would be good that at least all English speaking Ulama (like Mawlana Saqib Shami, Mufti Munawwar and Mawlana Ijaz) unite on this issue, and make their stance publicly known regarding the minhaji cult.
The whole cake things should not be an issue, since its just a national sweet, for instance we have halwa, laddoos, jalaebees, etc (indo-pak), now the issue arises is when people making cakes the shape of the blessed Nalayn, and Gumbad-e-Khazra, and then they all cut it and digest it , there is no Adab in this (ironically its made by those who are adherent to the adabiyya path). I mean our fore-fathers and mothers were bigger lovers than us, and they were also better cooks , so if they wanted they could have made nalayn shaped cookies or ghumbad shaped laddoos. Al-Hadm-LiAllah they had gheerat in them not to commence these foolish ideas. Also, it should be eaten and distributed like any other sweet, else it is copying the kuffar; by doing this whole inaugural speech and cutting with the knife . Honestly can someone inform me how this whole mawlid cake trend began, from personal observation it started around 4 years back?
What is the difference between Shaykh Asrar calling salafis 'brother' and Tahir Minhaji calling Shias 'brothers'? I apologise if this has been answered previously.
If they are مومنون then it is not questionable. If they are not then they are all disbelievers. You would need to provide a legal judgement from a fiqh book for what you have deemed 'questionable'. When the scholars would mention معتزلة they would refer to their Ulama in the kalam works. Refer سبيل النجاة of Imam or the احيا or فتاوى الحرمين of Ala Hazrat.
If Imam Asim called dawah-man as brother then that is much worse than Shaykh Asrar's statement. ---- Even if brothers was used for the salafi laymen, it is still questionable because even the salafi laymen are misguided/misled to a certain extent. ---- As for your quotation and presenting of the ayah, would it be permissible to call the khawarij and mutaziliya as 'brothers' because most scholars have deemed them to be deviant but have not collectively done takfir of them? Even the deviants, whose deviancy has not led them to leave the folds of Islam, are still not worthy of respect. It is necessary to disrespect them. But I can understand that he was only referring to the laymen and a mountain shouldn't be made of a molehill. P.S Still waiting for a reference for the Hadith.
Note also that Imam Asim continuously refers to Imran bin Mansur as 'brother' yet the latter is a caller to innovation. People on here picked up on Asrar's comment but not this.
Six years ago he took on the UK Wahabis and at that time very little people supported. Those who said he was extreme have now fallen into debates with Wahabis. In 5 years from now people will look back at this again. As for him calling rhe Salafis brothers when asked he said he was addressing the laymen who deems to be muminin and the Quran states انماالمومنون اخوة He has the same position as before that the callers to innovation are the ones shunned, and treated harshly and not the latymen.