Shaykh Asrar Rashid vs Abdul Rahman Hassan

Discussion in 'Refutation' started by abu Hasan, Jul 29, 2016.

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  1. Brother Barry

    Brother Barry Veteran

    Umar99 likes this.
  2. Bazdawi

    Bazdawi Well-Known Member

    when will debate be uploaded?
  3. Harris786

    Harris786 Veteran

  4. faqir

    faqir Veteran

    shirk al-asbab
    imam al-sanusi says the same
  5. Shadhili123

    Shadhili123 New Member

    Will the debate be streamed live on the internet?
  6. Harris786

    Harris786 Veteran

    Attached Files:

  7. Harris786

    Harris786 Veteran

    He is one of fifteen who will attend.
  8. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    i watched his vid just now. abu taymiyyah only displayed his own ignorance. he doesn't know a basic thing about ijtihad and taqlid.

    so it is these kids who will debate?
  9. Abu Hamza

    Abu Hamza Well-Known Member

    Perhaps you should just read a few books on uşūl on the chapters pertaining to taqlīd.

    If you search the forum, there is a thread on this topic where I mentioned a number of books.

    I had this same discussion with Mawlānā @abu Hasan - read the work posted by @Moriarty by Shaykh Ábd al-Ghanī [rahimahullāh].

    Allāh knows best
    Last edited: May 21, 2016
    Harris786 likes this.
  10. Moriarty

    Moriarty Veteran

  11. FaqirHaider

    FaqirHaider اللَه المقدر والعالم شؤون لا تكثر لهمك ما قدر يكون

    Come Hajj time everyone becomes hanafi, because they need to hold their wives to keep them close , without breaking their wudu.
  12. Umar99

    Umar99 Veteran

    I heard it isn't good to switch between madhahib, for some issues in necessity then that is permitted but as for switching around then this isn't encouraged?
  13. ridawi

    ridawi Muhammadi Sunni Hanafi

    which books?

    first I've ever heard that a person can switch between madhhabs for different actions: for hajj, he can follow the hanafi madhhab and for fasting he can decide to follow the shafi'i madhhab, while for zakat he can decide to follow the maliki madhhab. switching between madhhabs for different actions isn't doing taqlid of one imam.

    what must he refer to himself as? a muqallid of whom?
  14. Ibn Rida Safdar

    Ibn Rida Safdar New Member

    edit: she* did it cuz of her jahl
  15. Ibn Rida Safdar

    Ibn Rida Safdar New Member

    Shaykh Asrar said something similar at around 28 min in this video. However, it seems that some part was edited out when Shaykh says-"He saw an old woman". So, I am not sure what Shaykh said in the actual speech though he did quote Shaykh as-Shatti saying that he would teach the old woman basic tawhid.
  16. Umar99

    Umar99 Veteran

    Yes that confused me too
  17. Ibn Rida Safdar

    Ibn Rida Safdar New Member

    Shaykh Asrar says at around 59 min:
    "..we have to be very specific with each case. If the old woman, when she goes to the grave, you say to her-"You are asking this man in the grave. He can't benefit you because he's passes away. He is in Barzakh.". She says-"Oh, I believe that Allah ha given him qudrah to help me." The qudrah is makhluk of Allah subhan wa ta'ala. Allah subhana wa ta'ala giving qudrah like he has given you and me qudrah. This woman will not be declared Mushrik.. a mushrika. Why? Because, she may be.. she is mukhti'a"
    Then he says that he did it cuz of her jahl.
    Can anyone please explain it to me that how is the old woman at fault?
  18. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    i still think that you are making a mountain of a molehill. i did not say "somalis are heretics" - i only said "the heretic somali". until you brought it up, i didn't even imagine it to be a racist comment. if he were pakistani or indian, i would have said that pakistani heretic or an indian heretic. khayr, let us not argue about it. i will call him abdur-Rahman.


    extreme PC. i am an indian, and if someone said "that indian fellow" i would not feel bothered in the least. perhaps i just don't know.

    i know many somali brothers, even qadiris (traditionally somalis were ash'ari-shafiyi and qadiris/idrisis) but your charge is ridiculous.

    thanks for the naSiHah.

    thanks, once again.
  19. Waqar786

    Waqar786 Veteran

    @abu Hasan- I do agree about your point about verbal debates and a written debate is a better yardstick to judge the level of one’s scholarship and the strength of their points. However, to compare with Bukari etc with Somali is not correct because those names are attached (none of them are references to ethnicity) to those scholars and they become known by that. However, to attach someone’s ethnicity to their name is pointless and could be construed as racist.I am sure that was not your intention but it does not reflect well on someone who is in charge of this forum. I am not being hyperactive or politically correct but this is a public forum and who knows, we might have some Somalian brothers on this forum- what will they think.

    Also, instead of pursuing a worthless approach of addressing a deviant, as an particular animal, pursue an approach, where the point is refuted and by default so is the one making it. Apart from you hype loving companions; no one takes this approach seriously, which is a shame because when you do actually tackle a point, you do an excellent job.

    @Harris786, 'Ch Saab the Imam Sahiban are currently in Africa but their Du'a are with you' – this post just shows what you are, a complete joke, whose points are pointless and it is people like you that make Sunnis look like uneducated, extreme and sectarian . You are known to be a troublemaker on social media and I cannot understand why your views are tolerated here. Grow up!
  20. Harris786

    Harris786 Veteran

    Last edited: May 20, 2016

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