We should also send free copies to the Arab and English speaking ulema so they actually understand the issue as opposed to no one reading them. That comes at a cost and I'm sure there are people who are willing to provide for that even on this forum as well as in general. One thing we are sorely missing these days is patronage of the type where ulema were paid to essentially write books on needed topics. I would also think that concentrating on things which there is no dispute over such as the possibility of kidhb would be more fruitful than going back and forth re the accuracy of translations, for example.
It is available here: https://islam786books.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=5476 Otherwise if one is not able to buy it then here is the PDF: https://archive.org/details/inquest-refuting-the-fabrications/mode/2up
This is already in English, translated by mawlana abdul hadi. Recommendations and further improvements should be emailed to him by Shaykh asrar if needed.
'These 4 need to be done to English and Arabic. That is urgent. Priority. alSawarim al Hindiya, 2 alRaad alalMuhannad 3 alTahqiqat li Dafi alTalbisat 4 alMawt alAhmar. I am willing to help through proof reading, editing, publishing.'