Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi events June 2010 UK

Discussion in 'Events' started by Sacred Knowledge, Jun 8, 2010.

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  1. Sacred Knowledge

    Sacred Knowledge Active Member



  2. Sacred Knowledge

    Sacred Knowledge Active Member

    As-salamu `alaykum

    The following events are now confirmed:

    Saturday 19th June

    Islam - The Religion of Love: The Nature of Love in Islam and its Forms

    (Love & Marriage CD launch; After 'Asr, Ghamkol Sharif, Birmingham)

    Sun 20th June

    Gateway to Divine Mercy


    Wednesday 23rd June

    Loving the Creation of Allah (Most High)

    After 'Asr, Corn Exchange, High Street, Rochester, Kent ME1 1LX

    All events are free and open to all.

    Unfortunately due to private engagements, there will probably be no other events.

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