Why dont you visit Shaykh Yaqubi and discuss issues you have about his opinions?? Ive read the posts by moriarty and others but I need daleel to show the fitna he is spreading??
I agree with your first response Did some of the Classical scholars, not go through the same for example Imam Ghazali (ra) regarding Lanaat upon Yazid (LA) and tagging with the political power at the time and also Imam ibn Hajar Asqalani(ra) in praise of ibn tayimyyah? Is there a strong refutation of ibn tayimyyah as an anthropomorphist by Imam ibn Hajar Asqalani (ra) condemning his aqidah? And not to forget ibn Kathtir…Would you consider him Evil?
calling certain Arab scholars as evil has nothing to do with their appreciation of deobandis or lack thereof. if you search and notice, most people on this forum are least bothered about any Arab scholar's appreciation of deobandis. it is because we understand full well that the world is not the subcontinent and not everyone understands faseeh urdu to make a judgment call on the Sunni-deobandi issue; notwithstanding the 100+ years of forensic analysis of who said what, who refuted what, whose counter argument was what, etc. the reason certain people are called evil is because of their knowingly deviating from the manhaj of the Ahlus Sunnah, and also because of their tagging along with the enemies of Islam and the Ahlus Sunnah, both at religious as well political levels
As a layperson, I think it all depends on the scholars “environment” all the Indo/Pak sub continent scholars should now better, what Ala Hazrat(ra) Refuted…period! Some Sunnis will say: “ Pir Meher Ali (ra) was soft with some of the deobandis as was his grandson Pir Naseer(ra) they did not label or use the same brush with all deobandis… Why do we label Sunni Arab scholars as Evil? And should there be a different approach to “convert” Sunni/Sufi scholars?
I ask a question and I am a "kid" and if a pesron is a member of a Sufi taqriqa his a "cult member"?? I think you have a Phd.
"the thing with sulah kullis and money, power and fame-hungry evil scholars like yaqoubi"" Bakwas band kar. evil scholars?? how is he evil??
the thing with sulah kullis and money, power and fame-hungry evil scholars like yaqoubi or geoffrey or others is that they will say anything to please anyone at any time. this is how they will build their fan clubs. back home, our very own dajjal tahir started his career piggy backing on Qadriyat and naive Sunnis will fall for this tactic again and again lest they realise that Sunniyat is not by praising personalities or dropping names, no matter how beloved they are to us, but rather by following in deed, the manhaj of the sahaba. in simple language and in everyday life, this kind of attitude is called kissing up. we should be careful of heretics like deobandis, evil rafidis like paqs, wahabis etc. but ten times more observant of their ways when someone tries to chat us up by singing praises of Ala Hazrat or Imam Ghazali and so on.
I could remember thinking at the time this was abit too good to be true and that sooner or later we will be licking our wounds again. Allahu Akbar.. We really are in times of great fitna.
And [we] find Imām Aĥmed Riđā Khān at that early time really predicted a lot of what is going on now. And wanted to put an end.. he even spoke about, for example, multi-faith dialogue - in [that] Al-Malfuzat. I was very happy to read this; as early as that time, writing and warning of it; warning of it, how it is going on now. Because multifaith dialogue for us is dáwah – is a way of dáwah.21 Presenting Islam or showing people the true way of Islam, the true nature of Islam. Rather than making concessions about our deen, as people are doing now.
Subhaan Allah Shaykh Muhammad al Yaqoubi: “I would say, for example, in the Indian sub-continent, if you love Imām Aĥmed Riđā Khān, you are from Ahl us Sunnah wal Jamā’ah;”
jazak Allah! masha Allah! Great job AH. It will be interesting to see the reactions to this by certain groups...
this audio is extracted from the video on youtube by sunnitalk. the sound was amplified and resampled.