Have the Barelvi ulema taken ownership of refuting every single fake babaji around the world? Chuff Chuff is just one of these fake amils that go around who has no hold of shariah and never even lectures on aqaid or fiqh. The likes of Yaqubi and Aslam were refuted in matters of fiqh and aqaid as they were regarded as 'scholars' in matters of religion. And for your reference these fake babas existed in the times of Ala Hazrat as well (actually well before his time). There were wrong practices going on at his time as well at many of the dargahs, and he has refuted such practices including tawaf of graves. We should stop this habit of passing blame of false sufis on the ulema of barelvi or taking them to account for such people (like Shaykh Asrar has done a few times)!
Remember when the Barelvis refuted Shaykh Aslam for having hair past his shoulders? Can the Barelvis at least refute Haq Badshah Sarkar for having hair past his shoulders? Forget the major damage he's doing to Ahlus Sunnah, can the Barelvi Ulema refute him on this major issue please instead. جزاك الله خيرا #consistency
Here we see Owais Qadiri with Pir Chuff Chuff Shaykh Asrar has condemned this(I seen in a video of him speaking mirpuri) My question is Owais Qadiri still going to be let in by the Sunni Community? And by let in i mean spend hundreds of pounds of donations in inviting him to read naats. Why was he with Pir Chuff Chuff? Is he just a performer that goes to whoever pays him? So what should happen is all Sunni scholars and mosques stop spending money on inviting him until he publicly apologises for his actions. BTW I don't think sunnis should go to Yaqubi before anyone accuses me of anything
Why hasn't the world largest sunni organization Dawate Islami done anything about him? Are they forever exempt from refuting him? Ok so sayed Irfan shah is Pakistan masala that shouldn't be discussed in the uk. Afzaliyat is a non-issue in the uk too. But haq badshah sarkar who has never been entertained by sunni Ulama is an issue in the UK. Haq badsha can convert the youth to Wahabism but Shaykh yaqubis statement won't do a damage at all? Wah ji wah kia logic he.
What else is there besides Khanah's response? What you are doing is simply nothing more than whataboutism. 'You can't refute Sh Yaqubi! What about this guy who's way worse who no one has refuted?' How do you know 'hundreds of thousands' of people from the West have been turned away from the Ahl al-Sunnah? He may be well known in your vacuum but like Khanah, I've literally never even heard of the guy. Not from classmates, not from teachers and not from laymen. Likely to be a result of you already having seen him on social media with the majority of the views being those already sucked into pir culture. Seems like no one on here has heard of him and judging by the fact '1 or 2 scholars' have refuted him (i wouldn't know - your words), its more likely that most scholars haven't heard of him than the claim they have no desire too. Where is your evidence for this? Can he even speak English? If not, how is he influencing kids in the west, the majority of whom don't understand Urdu? So what do you want the scholars to do? Sit idly by as one of the most popular and respected speakers, one that is actually known to most of us, blatantly misquotes a Hadith to claim the murder of one who blatantly disrespected the Prophet (peace and salutations upon him) as wrong? Has he even repented for that by the way? I recall seeing a letter that was posted online that was also sent directly to him or his team but haven't seen anything of it since then
So no proper answer yet...? Haq Badshah Sarkar HAS had an effect in the west and deterred thousands if not hundreds of thousands away from Ahlus Sunnah. Before you say he's in Pakistan, that does not matter anymore. His antics are shared on twitter, Instagram, Facebook and now tiktok and some of these videos get hundreds of thousands of views. A lot of people watching are from the UK. I honestly don't get why Barelvi Ulema do not speak out against him? He is coming to the UK every year and I have only seen maybe 1 or 2 scholars refute him. And why are Barelvi Ulema from the subcontinent silent? I have tried looking for videos of scholars from Pak/India refuting him but I couldn't find any? And before you say the scholars are scared of getting harmed... that's not a valid reason imo. We all know very well that the Ulema in the subcontinent have armed guards e.g. Dr Jalali. Why hasn't he refuted him? The Tahaffuz Aqaid organisation need to step up and save the future generations. Haq Badshah Sarkar has deterred many, many youth and turned them to Wahabism but no... let's refute Sunni scholars instead lol
1. This is a case of whataboutism, or so it appears. Even if people spoke against Yaqoubi, they were right to do so. The fact they don't speak against this guy doesn't mean they shouldn't refute others 2. I don't know who this guy is but I certainly knew who Yaqoubi was. Maybe people don't speak against him because he has less of a following in the English speaking world? Genuinely don't know who this guy is or what's wrong with him or how many people he has misled 3. I think you're right in the sense that not enough is done to refute dodgy sufis etc in general, however. What happens is that someone sees a dodgy sufi, thinks they're all dodgy as a result and moves over to the najdi ideology, for example. No doubt the general body of barelwis is waaaay behind their counterparts from other groups. We're at least 20 years behind the najdis and the same for the likes of hamza yusuf etc. I put this down to the fact that our awaam is the most ignorant in basics of the religion. Even in practicing, we are far behind. Go to a najdi masjid in the UK and there's way more people praying compared to the average barelwi one. Go to any dawah stall and they're najdi. Go to any YouTube video of someone with the slightest bit of knowledge and charisma and that person will be najdi. Even in my personal capacity, the only people who I know in real life who know what a madhab is are the najdi or deo crowd although that could be some type of selection bias at play.
Lol a whole fatwa with many signatures for Shaykh Yaqubi and silence for Haq Badshah whose videos have deterred thousands away from Ahlus Sunnah. Great logic.
Which barelwi Ulama have you seen hanging out with this idiot badshah guy? Where has he been entertained by proper barelwi scholars? just FYI our barelwi Ulama have warned sunnis numerous times against fake peers. Whereas yaqubi sahab was hanging around with barelwi Ulama since day 1 and now all of sudden has sympathy for deobandis. Shaykh abu hasan has spoken on this already. It is much more important for sunnis to be warned against Ulama who were once in sunni camps but now mingling or holding views that defend deviants. It's pointless bringing barelwi Ulama up in every discussion to defend your favorites.
It comes down to changing the mindset of our sunnis and making the focus on the propagation of knowledge. Charlatans like Haq Badshah survive and actually thrive on the ignorance of some of our sunni folk. Re. Sh Yaqoubi, then those who go listen to him are primarily his murids and those who have long turned away from listening to 'desi' ulama, because of their constant infighting. Irfan Shah being a prime example. Since Shaykh Yaqoubi's 'interpretation' (being kind) of the hadith about the ka'bah and the sanctity of a believers' blood, I have stopped listening to them. The reality is whether it is Irfan Shah or even Shaykh Yaqoubi, the people who listen to them is waning by the day. The main focus for us is to safeguard our faith through propagation of knowledge and being proactive in understanding and responding to the burning questions that our youth have.
When will the Barelvi ulema speak out and condemn Haq Badshah Sarkar? Surely hes a bigger fitna than Shaykh Yaqoobi حفظه الله? Will the Tahaffuze Aqaid organisation speak out? Haq Badshah Sarkar has turned people away from Barelvism than you can imagine. But not a peep from the Barelvi Ulema of the UK. And dont give a clip of 1 or 2 scholars... Against Shaykh Yaqoobi there was a whole fatwa with many signatories, can we have the same energy for Haq Badshah Sarkar?