Sunnipress? Online Books - Problem or Not?

Discussion in 'Aqidah/Kalam' started by godilali, Aug 18, 2006.

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  1. godilali

    godilali Guest

    Some of those books represent salafi aqidah, and some of them represent sunni aqidah. Others are attributed to sunni authors, but have been tampered with, or have weak chains to them.

    For instance, Aqidah at-Tahawiyyah is acclaimed by both salafis and ahlus sunnah (meaning Ash'aris and maturidis). However, there are a number of commentaries written on it, some espousing the salafi view and others espousing the sunni view. That is why one should always study a matn with a sunni scholar and/or with a reliable sharh.
  2. siddiqui4ever

    siddiqui4ever New Member

    Assalamualaikum,I was wondering if the more knowledgeable brothers can answer this. The online books that are posted on the sunnipress web-site are all in Arabic so I am unable to read them.I am surprised at the number of books on Aqidah, which I have never really heard of before. I was wondering if these books present a problem to Sunni Aqidah? Are these books that are really Salafi in content or are the Salafi\'s just misinterpreting them? And if there are ones that are being misinterpreted then can we please get the scholar power to address this?I also think it would be nice to to have someone post links to various books/articles on Sunni doctrine from various scholars throughout the centuries. So far I have been able to find close to 15 different posts. I was wondering if someone can start a thread on that?I am not Salafi I follow S. Nuh Keller and S. Hamza.JazakAllah

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