surah ikhlas equals one third the qur'an - mutawatir hadith

Discussion in 'Usul al-Hadith' started by abu Hasan, Mar 29, 2005.

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  1. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    A brother asked whether it was mutawatir:


    The Ĥadīth ‘qul huwa Allâhu aĥad equals a third of the Qur’ān’ is a Mutawātir Ĥadīth.

    In Murtađā Zabīdi’s ‘al-Laālī al-Mutanāthirah fi’l Aĥādīth al-Mutawātirah’, it is listed as the fifty second ĥadīth reported by sixteen companions. As-Suyūťi has also reported this ĥadīth from sixteen companions as well in his ‘al-Az’hār al-Mutanāthirah fi’l Aĥādīth al-Mutawātirah’

    1. Abū Saýīd al-Khudrī (al-Bukhārī)
    2. Abū’d Dardā (Muslim)
    3. Abū Hurayrah (Muslim)
    4. Abū Ayyūb (at-Tirmidhī and an-Nasāyī)
    5. Abū Masúūd al-Badrī al-Ansārī (at-Tirmidhī and an-Nasāyī)
    6. Ubayy ibn Kaáb (Imām Aĥmed)
    7. Ábdullāh ibn Ámr (Imām Aĥmed)
    8. Umm Kulthūm bint Áqabah ibn Abī muýīť (Imām Aĥmed)
    9. Anas ibn Mālik (Abū Yaálā)
    10. Jābir ibn Ábdullāh (al-Bazzār)
    11. Saád ibn Abī Waqqāš (ať-Ťabarāni)
    12. Ibn Úmar ibn al-Khaťťāb (ať-Ťabarāni)
    13. Ibn Masúūd (ať-Ťabarāni)
    14. Muáādh ibn Jabal (ať-Ťabarāni)
    15. Ibn Ábbās (Abū Úbayd in ‘Fađāyil al-Qur’ān’)
    16. Qatādah ibn an-Númān (al-Bayhaqī in his ‘Sunan al-Kubrā’)

    The reports of the above companions are narrated by the following muĥaddithūn respectively:

    1 al-Bukhārī
    2,3 Muslim
    4 at-Tirmidhī and an-Nasāyī
    5 at-Tirmidhī and ibn Mājah
    6,7,8 Imām Aĥmed
    9 Abū Yaálā
    10 al-Bazzār
    11,12,13,14 ať-Ťabarāni
    15 Abū Úbayd in ‘Fađāyil al-Qur’ān’
    16 al-Bayhaqī in his ‘Sunan al-Kubrā’

    Allâh táālā knows best.

    Az-Zabīdī begins his compilation thus: ‘Know that the classification of Tawātur was made by the masters of principles (usūliyyūn), not by the scholars of ĥadīth themselves except Khaťīb Abū Bakr al-Baghdādī. Even he did that, imitating the former because the muĥaddithūn did not mention this type in their classification. Therefore this is neither found in their narrations, nor in their discussions.’[šanāátihim: their work]

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