All 3 Volumes have been completed and uploaded some time ago. My web-host was actually annoyed at the huge traffic and suspended my account. The files are now hosted on another place. Please use the following link for all 3 Volumes of the book.
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mashaAllah, may Allah subhanu wa ta'ala reward you for your efforts, but i am thinking to do it differently. though, i have not completed book-3 but i have started teaching arabic to my brother and nephews, and alhamdulillah it is going very good. i am using madinah books but didn't copy the style of brother asif of lqtoronto 100%, i felt that i could introduce some concepts earlier, and i have added some lessons from lisan al-quran and other books with more vocabs, i don't mean to undermine the value and efforts of lqtoronto at all. i am also seriously thinking if we can develop an arabic course both urdu and english version, but instead of full video shoot, i want to make it like or cbtnuggets tutorials. can someone suggest me some nice, and cheap software that can help me produce similar tutorials?
Madinah Book Series I have downloaded the book Madinah Arabic (Urdu) Volume 1, edited (split the files) and inserted the Urdu audio explanations into PDF, lesson by lesson, for the benefit of all (especially my family). I am sure it will make learning much easier. the lessons are uploaded and available to all:- Insha Allah, Volume 2 will also be done in a few days...
I've seen both. People who are studying there (some are friends and some I know as friends of friends) and people who have left from there; and one major institute in the UK produces 'ulema' very very weak in fiqh. One major speaker (who is very well known) who graduated from this institute was tripping up on simple things such as saying 'amir khan isn't a Fasiq because we don't know how much money he gives in secret' And C-R, if you read my post, I mentioned UK. My opinion is restricted to the uk as personally, the ulema I have seen who have graduated from the sub-continent are very knowledgable alhamdulillah and I plan to go to the sub-continent to study soon. Hope that answers your questions.
Which graduates have you seen? Are these graduates friends of yours or are your friends still studying at these same institutes or are they studying at other institutes? btw are you referring to UK institutes or Indian/Pakistani institutes?
No I'm not, but I know a lot of people who study in jamias and I've seen the graduates of the jamias.
I agree with Unbeknown. In the uk, there are many institutes but I sincerely believe that a syllabus like the one aH mentioned is necessary
@sidi aH That was awesome! But scary too! You’re talking of a total revamp of almost all sections of the madrasah system. Perhaps, what you need to do (and everyone whose heart beats for islam should assist you in this) is: 1) Write a book on the topic: “Where do we go from here? - A roadmap for modernizing the Madrasah-system in the subcontinent” It should contain all those points you mentioned above but with more specifications. Plus, real-life interviews with those who are in-charge of the administration of madaris, what difficulties they foresee in the implementation and solutions to them. The points at which they just couldn’t agree with you and your final take on them. Endorsements from ulema who agree with you, perhaps from major seminaries outside the subcontinent. 2) Those who are willing to or have links should personally visit the madaris and hold discussions with authorities, present the book to them and perhaps conduct a short seminar. 3) Finally, if Allah(azzawajal) creates the means a model madrasah be built and the results be conveyed to other madaris so that they are able to see for themselves which things work out and which don’t 4) The book needs to be really comprehensive so that it leaves no aspect connected to this issue but analysis it thoroughly. I think you can start here on sunniport itself, all of us who can get opinions of scholars, their reservations etc. post it here so that you have real-life feedback on the issue. I am saying all this cause I feel that there are murmurs even in the ranks of the ulema that the situation is not acceptable and that something needs to be done. All they need is a selfless interlocutor who understands both sides of the issue well and is not some vainglorious ‘reformer’ who merely wishes to westernize everything without having a clue about the real issues at stake. I am hopeful that they will welcome any change for the better no matter how incremental it may be. Just sharing my feelings and nothing more. I have been thoroughly disappointed by the secular education system and can’t stand to think that those, many friends among them, who have taken the courageous step of defying the status quo, ignoring the dunya and the mockers and devoting their lives for the deen should get less than excellent returns for their sacrifices just because a system, which they had no control over, failed them! I know friends who have preferred to get thrashed and called names by their own loved ones for going to the madrasah than enjoy praise and admiration from all for getting professional degrees. And tawfiq is from Allah (The Exalted). Wa-sallallahu-ala-habibihil-kareem. ………roject management , GRE- style exams at madaris….mumble…mumble……
yes, iv'e been told so too. that enough material has been written in urdu in almost all branches of islamic sciences and if one were to work really hard on this alone he would become an 'alim. almost. in-fact, i know one such person whose house is filled with books from ceiling to floor and who is a sought after speaker even at seminaries but has not had a formal training in any madrasah and to the best of my knowledge, is not very well versed in arabic. but when one hears him speak he will have no doubt that the speaker is a veritable store-house of knowledge. on several occasions i have heard him speak non-stop for almost 2 hours and it was always the time that ran out but not his strength or knowledge about the topic! i have seen him explain fatwas from fatawa-razawiyyah to senior students of knowledge. and if you wanted a detailed commentary on any verse from the hadaiq-e-bakhshish, you will find him the most obliging. alhamdulillah he is a staunch sunni, down to earth, never calls himself an alim, very serious and practical and, Allah knows, many a villages and people might have been wahhabized if it were not for his selfless struggles. and Allah(azzawajal) knows best!
it is not necessary that an non-arab alim should be able to speak (good) arabic, but it is obvious that without the ability to read and comprehend arabic texts one can only become a neem hakeem sort of khateeb, or mubaligh who is dependent on translations.
A question I wanted to ask was, can a person be an alim without knowing Arabic (as in he can read it but not understand the language)? A person went Pakistan to become a scholar and came back and said that his teacher said it was not necessary to learn Arabic to be a scholar, he just needs to know other sciences such as Fiqh, Aqida, Sirah etc very well.
sites like wikipedia and medline can be used to instruct (provided a list of important topics for a non-specialist is made) supervised by a specialist. existing mutun/shuruh of logic and illustrations therein, can be used to build a course similar to SAT/GRE/GMAT reading comprehension and writing. even applied reasoning, for example, use fatawa of alahazrat and ask them to analyse it lexically, reference it and trace the reasoning. or restate what that fatwa is saying in your own words. this is a more active approach to learning that mere rote learning. ignore my comments (and ignorance) if they are already doing that.
---- both. the nisab was designed in a different age for a different culture and a different world. for example, if someone from the 1700s could travel in time and appear in the 1920s, little would have changed. but if someone left in 1970 and reappeared in the second millenium, they would find a different world. in the 1950s a whole village in india would have one or two people who could read or write, but today it is the reverse. rational sciences (mainly math etc.) in the nisab can be replaced with high school mathematics; it is easier and quicker to teach quadratic equations with notational algebra, compared to long drawn verbose form in arabic. logarithmic/mathematical tables might have been indispensable for an engineer as late as the 70s - but they are useless today (or just an interesting artifact) with electronic calculators and computers. indeed, the necessary skill of drawing on paper is more or less obsolete with autocad in the picture. as for teaching logic, i believe that using GRE/SAT style of problem-solving and comprehension course is necessary because the logic/philosophy taught (in spite of the quality of the books) seems ineffective. of course, my opinion; and in my opinion, regardless of the kind of education, reasoning and comprehension skills are abysmally poor in this generation. [exceptions exist as usual]. as for religious nisab, some madaris have modified the original to include newer books; an analysis of the prevalent syllabus of prominent madaris in india-pakistan led me to compile this table. i think there is room for improvement if we replace certain books with still others. why are sh.bad' al-amali and sh. aqidah al-TaHawiyyah missing? why don't we teach sharh fiqh al-akbar? or sh.muqaddimat of sanusi? in the 8-10 years they can surely find time to become proficient in the most important subject there is. i have said it elsewhere that kitabu'sh shifa should be made compulsory in this day and age for final year students. --- you will understand it when you see. some subjects yes. students from islamic madaris should be aware of the world that we live in. economics, politics, current affairs. all islamic madaris should have a slot for professionals and professors of specific disciplines to give an outline of that particular subject. and people like us - those who spend most of their time in worldly affairs - should volunteer to serve madaris at least on an annual basis. local madaris can schedule a slot coinciding with vacations of professionals - such that a madrasah can have a 'one week class on economic principles' 'one week class on the internet' etc. as for religious nisaab, i had made a reading list for myself long ago which i have shared with a few friends. in my spare time, i tinkered with it by dividing these books into how many hours can this be completed - and how many credits should we give each book. such that a student will get so many credits by reading so many books. bonus credits will be given for conducting seminars, or writing/translating certain works. --- elementary education and higher education, specialisation etc. which i think is already followed in al-azhar and other universities. for my own gratification, i had compiled something i named 'dars-e-ridawi'; which has a table of books, hours, credits - and a brief description of each book, its importance and intro to the author. when i complete it, AND if i find the courage, i may publish it in-sha'Allah wa bi tawfiqih. however, the ridawi bookshelf is pending - which is merely a list of important works in many subjects, (description of the book and author intro, similar to list of works in "who is alahazrat") in my knowledge. this list neither claims to be authoritative, nor made with the presumption that experience or deep knowledge is behind inclusion/exclusion of some titles. wa billahi't tawfiq. some. i know very little by the way - but i had a look at zaytuna syllabus and found it absurd. i commented somewhere here on this forum, if i remember well. somewhat with different parameters. read the advice of sadru'sh shariah. ---- not entirely. rather, if they use project management and risk management methodologies, resources can be used optimally. and if we demonstrate that funds are used well, people will donate freely. a history of mismanagement or misappropriation has led to the disenchantment of donors. more than half of the community that is 'educated' is in dunyawi sciences. let them do a cross-training. engineers, doctors, professionals, spend a day or two every month in the madrasah talking about their trades (something like toastmasters) and in turn the madrasah student teaches the person basics of the deen. don't believe in it, but at least KNOW what is in it; instead of slaying imaginary monsters. obviously, talk will remain talk. only when they see it done, they will understand and back. --- barakAllahu feek.
Madaaris: the vision Assalamu'alaykum-wa-rahmatullah. when you find time please elaborate on the following points: 1) Which things do you think are out-dated: the religious nisaab or the rational sciences taught as part there of or both? 2) why should teaching aids be considered? they are a luxury not a necessity, eh? 3) would you recommend integrating the texts taught at high school and uni level into the nisaab? or a newly tailored one keeping in mind that a major part of what is taught in colleges is useless to many? 4) should this syllabus be taught to every talib or should tests be conducted to find out who is fit for an integrated course which would obviously go light on the deeni part and another test to select those who should be made to fully concentrate on religious sciences and so their syllabus will go light on the other part? 5) how many years do you think such a course will need? 6) can you name any present day institutes which you think are moving this way, say zaytuna or the cambridge muslim college? 7) do you mean to say that a good chunk of those who finish madrasah education should be like this? 8) finally, what can or rather SHOULD a talib currently attending a madrasah do to ensure that when he graduates he is not an ordinary run-of-the-mill mawlana? surely, self-study can be effective both ways? i wish to know all this so that i can advise those whom i can. i think that most madaaris are as they are because: 1) lack of resources/funds/donors (MAJOR reason) 2) lack of teachers qualified in dunyawi sciences 3) mistrust of secular sciences and its effects 4) few interested takers do you agree? jazakAllahukhayran-fid-daarayn. Wassalaam.
i am no expert, but these books by orientalists looked useful to me. you can find them on if you search by the name of the author. if i find time, i will link them in-sha'Allah.