The practice of 'Haaziri' with Jinns - [Common practice in Asia]

Discussion in 'Miscellany' started by Wadood, Mar 9, 2013.

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  1. Wadood

    Wadood Veteran

    you can run around the world, and very rarely you will find a human being as shaykh asrar rasheed, qasam bilAllah. listen to his voice. look at him. he is so generous, so caring, so concerned for us the ummah of rasulAllah salAllaho alaihi wa alihi wa sallam. straighforward, no sugar coating, no harshness, no sarcasm.

    imagine how rasulAllah salAllaho alaihi wa alihi wa sallam would have been, who taught us the generosity we have, through whose intercession we have all the generosity we have. its impossible to imagine. i have never really understood what the love for our Habeeb al'Adham really means. but when you have a individual as shaykh asrar, and you feel love for him when u look at him, you will know a bit how the saHaba felt when they looked at rasulAllah salAllaho alaihi wa alihi wa sallam.

    sayyidi jalaluddin roomi raDyAllahu 'anhu felt it when he looked at shaykh shams alTabrezi raDyAllahu 'anhu. the companions of sayyiduna imam abul hasan alshadhili raDyAllah anhu felt it when they used to sit in his company, even in caves and ships, and fight with him the kuffar
  2. Watermelon

    Watermelon Active Member

    "They are extremely deceptive liars. They sometimes claim to be martyrs, and other times even more than this. For this reason the notion of 'martyrs communicating through others' has spread amongst the uneducated people of no intellect. Whereas (in reality,) the noble martyrs are pure and free from such nefarious deeds."

    Fatawa Ridawiyyah, Volume 21 Page 218

    "The jinn are wholly ignorant of the unseen. To question them regarding the future is logically idiotic and religiously impermissible [harām]. And if (one possesses) confidence regarding their knowledge of the unseen then it is disbelief [kufr]."

    Fatawa Africa P178

    [JazakAllahu Khayr, and thank you for verifying my account...]

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