Oh, so he actually simply moved up the ranks from one spiritual station to the other! For all those who want to see the response from eshaykh (they deleted it a short while after) for the question posed about this wilayat then see below.
Tony Blair takes on new role fighting anti-Semitism as chairman of European Council on Tolerance and Reconciliation - People - News - The Independent - http://www.independent.co.uk/news/p...on-tolerance-and-reconciliation-10295960.html
As I stated earlier please search the forum. This link would also shed some light on Nazim Qubrusi sahib http://www.cifiaonline.com/nazimalhaqqani.htm Enough has already been discussed about Nazim and I see no point to discuss the same things again and again.
Perhaps you did not search the forums (nor the web). Nazim sahib made Tony BLiar sahib a saint. Perhaps I was wrong in my original post that he had renounced it - maybe he stepped down in order to carry out some chillas!
in all honesty it should be taken they meant these figures were mostly definite awliya of shaytan, does not matter inner affairs, look for the outer is from sharia. the person still has till death to convert to islam, but as of now he is ...well its obvious http://realityeye.org/ this is a amusing blog from a "Dervish" who lived in Cyprus long enough, he addresses the matters which no one dares to say.