If you think that’s a reply you are fooled. that’s just a copy and paste job from debates by other Ulemah.
He did respond. Here it is A person by the name of Uthman Iqbal Deobandi responded to a clip of mine over the weekend by boldly saying he accepts my 'challenge' and is ready to debate on the statements of the scholars of the Ahl al-Sunnah wal Jamā'ah However there are a few points to consider. 1. Uthman Iqbal Deobandi claims he has dealt with the statements of kufr by the elders of Deoband in a debate with Mufti Aslam Bandyalwi Sahib in 2017 but after listening to the 'debate' which was abruptly ended it is clear he was obliterated. My suggestion would be he first goes back to Mufti Aslam Sahib and deal with the first part of his 'series' and makes his position clear and accepts the kufr of his elders. *It is ONLY then will we be able to move forward and discuss the next part.* For the benefit of those following the discussions let me remind you of *THE KUFR STATEMENTS OF THE ULAMA OF DEOBAND (Qāsim Nanotwi)* There are three kufr statements of Tahdheer al-Naas of Qāsim Nanotwi. (1) "So the common people think that the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم being 'Khātam al-Nabiyyeen' means that his time will be after the time of the previous prophets and that he is the last of them all. However it will be apparent to the people of understanding that being first or last in time possesses no excellence in itself. Therefore in the place of praise, how can saying ولكن رسول الله و خاتم النبيين in this way be correct? Indeed if this quality is not included amongst qualities of praise, and this place is not viewed as a place of praise, then indeed 'Khaatamiyyat' in terms of time can be correct." [Tahdheer al-Naas, page 3] (2) "Moreover if for instance in the time of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم there is another prophet anywhere else, the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم will still remain the 'Khātam.'" [Tahdheer al-Naas, page 14] (3) "If for instance after the time of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم, any prophet is born, even then there will be no difference in 'Khātam-e-Muhammadi.' Even if it is during the time of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم in some other world or for instance even in this world any other prophet is advocated." [Tahdheer al-Naas, page 25] All three of the above mentioned statements are kufr and whoever doubts this is also a kāfir according to the Ahl al-Sunnah wal Jamā'ah. In 2017, when Uthman Iqbal Deobandi was asked to make his position clear on these statements of Qāsim Nanotwi he responded by saying, "The opponent (Mufti Aslam) has presented the statements by hiding the actual topic of the book. They have been shown by omitting the preceding and succeeding text. We can also present statements like this. The aqeeda of Mawlana Qāsim Nanotwi is fully in accordance with the aqeeda of Ahl al-Sunnat. Whereas deceit was done in Husam al-Haramayn. The three statements presented by Mufti Aslam Sahib as being kufr are not kufr according to us." After the 'debate' Uthman Iqbal Deobandi and his comrades claimed 'victory' which is an old habit of Deobandis that they make premature announcements of 'victory'. In conclusion to this first point, (1) whoever has the belief, or writes this in a book, that the meaning of 'Khātam al-Nabiyyeen' being last Prophet in terms of time is merely the thought of common people, (2) or asserts another meaning e.g. that 'Khātam al-Nabiyyeen' means superior etc. (3) or he states that after the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم another prophet can be born and no difference will occur to the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم being 'Khātam al-Nabiyyeen,' — then one who says such is also a kāfir. 2. Uthman Iqbal Deobandi would then go on to have a 'pre-debate' with Shaykh Asrar Rashid in 2018. In this 'pre-debate' the intellectual capacity and the etiquettes that Uthman Iqbal Deobandi has were made clear and apparent to all. For the your benefit the 'pre-debate' is below. 3. Uthman Iqbal Deobandi talks about unity and ending sectarianism but is known for openly disparaging the scholars of Ahl al-Sunnah wal Jamā'ah in particular Sayyidi A'la Hazrat Imam Ahmad Raza Khan رحمه الله and accusing him of being kāfir, Shi'ah, a liar and insulter of the noble Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم. For example - In conclusion, making claims and asserting yourself in a certain way doesn't establish anything. It is evident from the above points that Uthman Iqbal Deobandi doesn't consider the statements of his elders to be kufr, lacks the etiquettes and knowledge for a meaningful discussion never mind a debate and is known to disparage scholars of the Ahl al-Sunnah wal Jamā'ah on one hand but calls for unity on the other. In addition to this, it has come to my attention that through reliable sources that Uthman Iqbal Deobandi is not even acknowledged by his own peers and scholars and has a discredited reputation. Therefore, once these issues are resolved, then I will consider sitting and discussing matters with this ignoramus. Muhammad Adil Shahzad, Bradford - 16th July 2024
Do you expect Adil to respond? This is all familiar to few years ago when his brother Asim asked Dawah man for a debate.
Adil Shahzad, Imam Hussain's brother, has challenged any Deobandi to discuss the ibaraat of their elders and Usman has accepted. https://t.me/brewlisexposed/857