I think that we need to add more moderators, initially with limited rights, only to watch and keep the forums clean. old moderators are becoming older and busier , and more inclined to shun useless debates.
oh the btw, we have no intention of closing down. my question was one of soul-searching, being honest to self - are we doing something useful, constructive; or are we just kidding ourselves? and as the brother asked below: --- an aside: assuming if someone visited thus physically - would they behave in the same manner as they do online? as the brother says: --- are you soul-searching as well? it is not clear from your post whether you want the forum to continue or see it as a futile endeavour. answering your question as a visitor to sunniport: in my case, i don't go to gatherings, i don't meet people often (except very few close friends); i don't have facebook account or friends; my correspondence with people is very minimal (in terms of religious issues - however, business is business; you need to meet people and talk on a daily basis). i visit sunniport looking for any interaction on religious issues - if there are intelligent questions and answers, i read them; and if i think i can add something, i join in, though i don't find enough time to answer, of late. as abdalqadir said in an earlier thread, it is a watering hole for me too. we get news of happenings - of events, and of people passing away and the like. of course, people may get such news from other sources nowadays, but we are greying gen and i don't keep up with the new 'in-thing'. and yes, this is the only place we announce ridawipress releases - and in-sha'Allah, we hope to see some new ones in the coming months. wa billahi't tawfiq.
If Sunniport were a physical gathering place, like a cafe, community centre or park, would anyone visit it? Would people actually make it a part of their daily routine to physically attend this centre and partake in the discussions they are having now? If you had a question pertaining to deen, would you actually go to this centre and pose these questions to random people you've never met and have discussions with them, not knowing which one is a scholar and what their qualifications are? Would a scholar recommend to an individual to take time away from his or her fard ibadaat, studies, awraad, family and other activities and visit this centre, whether it be 10 minutes a day or 10 minutes a month? If no, then why do we visit Sunniport on the internet?
What use is 'sunniport'? The answer is in the question Shaykh. We are sunnis; hence why we frequently visit.. If we didn't have sunniport, we would be herded in by the deos, salafis, shias on their forums; This is our only resource! Without you Shaykh aH, myself and many others would have no true imaan. The state of the forum is the sad state of our jamaat..we have been a laughing stock for far too many years! I've tried to butt in on a few occasions to stop members from having a dig and acting like children; just so that we can be taken more seriously. Honestly, it's like school time is over and some of us come on here and try and have a dig at every little tom, dick, harry. Note: If we have a serious concern, then address the scholar with respect and ask politely what, how and why this could have occurred. No name calling, no adding ridiculous titles to their names, not joking and ridiculing on every post - Just be sincere guys. Adam Yahya hit the nail on the head; we need more English speaking scholars to endorse Sunniport. But I feel that they don't do this because of the image and childish behaviour of certain members; Can we blame them? Ps..Shaykh aH, bear in mind; The trolls will come on here on purpose to ignite the forum and put suspicion into your mind and to make you ask yourself, 'what use is sunniport'? We must not fall prey to this; we have hurt the bidatis a lot, believe me - we must be careful that ultimately we may be closing down because of their games!
one more use is that Sunniport is ALSO A LIBRARY - a treasure trove of invaluable data. if the members look at it as a library, they would not cause a ruckus & distract everyone, but concentrate on reading & learning. Or would bring some new material to add to the library's collection.
well, we can't expect support from scholars " far and wide" - because our material is mostly in english. So we are left with just the english speaking ones. Of them, most are non-subcontinental and are, quite understandably, wary of supporting us - given our stance on devbandits (who have played their part well, in convincing these scholars that they are sunnis). We are also outspoken about arab scholars such as habib ali and shaykh yaqoubi who have evinced some remarkably unorthodox positions. Out of the English speaking subcontinentals or those who have roots in indo-pak and know the reality of devbandis - how many are outspoken sunnis who stand their grounds under all circumstances? Very few in my opinion - and most of these, I think, support us.
a few suggestions I made earlier. It's post#6 of that thread. I think that most of us just can't self-regulate. So we need some well-considered and serious regulations, regulations which will help bring out the better side of people. We don't want to shun people. None of us are perfect but a little regulation can go a long way in encouraging people to think before posting. It a simple thing, hazrat 'Umar (raDiyAllahu'anhu) upturned the vessel of a person who was selling watery milk. It might appear cruel but it created such a deterrent that no one after that dared to sell adulterated milk. That's what most of us need - a deterrent. They make pious men of us all. It's really the nafs that's impish. And merely the presence of a whip can help discipline it even if it never cracks. And Allah ta'ala knows best.
Something else I want to put out there is, if Sunniport truly is an asset for Sunnis then why are there so few scholars and leaders out there who genuinely support or look up to this forum? Why do so many of them seemingly view it with bad taste? Clearly something is not right if my opinion is to hold any truth. Surely the scholars should be pleased to advocate Sunniport by virtue of it promoting Sunniyat? If this isn't the case, then we need to look at why the forum does not attract the support of the scholars, far and wide, and address the issue in a sensible and sincere manner. If the goals and objectives of Sunniport are the same as the scholars and Sunnis in general, then we should be be seen to be united and working in unison.
I get the impression that there are only a handful of scholars on this page, quite a few students but many more lay people, with the latter forming the majority. The scholars need to take and/or maintain control of this forum. In the hands of the often ignorant layman, I fear that the forum will only continue to deteriorate on so many levels.
The relevance of sunniport is immeasurable. A platform like this, in this day and age is essential. Only Allah knows how many would have been easy prey for the theives of imaan if it wasn't for the services of the learned on this forum. You will always get the odd forum clown/joker, every forum has one. Heck I'm sure we all know one in our community or amongst our peer group. But anyway, may this forum continue to educate and advise.
I wish this forum to be a portal for ulama around the globe, both giving advice in regards to Fiqh issues of western society, and advice in Sustaining ones Tawqa and Spirituality in this day and age.
I believe that in the last year people like Harris Khaliq have spoilt the page. Just analyse their posts. If users like this are allowed to just drop stupid nicknames, jokes and post non issues here to get some entertainment, this is what we are going to get. I am sure this forum was to spread knowledge and seek clarification but now it is just to backbite and expose.
it's a simple case of 'he who is safe from censure, oversteps protocol'... من أمن العقوبة ساء الأدب people on both sides of these bickering battles are just as bad as each other, whether they have ulterior motives or not, and whether they are (very badly) representing teachers or not. constant mocking and poking fun betrays a very sorry state of bankrupcy, a lack of sukun and stillness; what then when this is all (at least nominally) is in relation to religion? frequent laughter quite clearly kills the heart; those who laugh the most often tend to be the most depressed of us! Allah make our 'ishq of our Beloved sallallahu alayhi wa alihi wa sallam a reality! and what an intoxicating reality it is! (and yes, the more sincere, serious brothers are an asset, whatever viewpoints they hold, and whoever they are representing - at least we know clearly what they stand for!)
What use??...the eloquent and detailed defence of Sayyidi Ala Hazrat Rahmatullah Aley against the slanders of the innovators...the clarification of what is and what isn't Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat...rizwi press....access to people of ilm who truly care about Deen and not fame...could go on...I have benefitted a lot.