Who is Imam Ahmed Rida?

Discussion in 'Biographical Notes' started by abu nibras, Aug 17, 2005.

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  1. abu nibras

    abu nibras Staff Member

    walaikum asslaam !

    Welcome to Sunniport !

    First things first, Sayyid Ahmad Barelavi was not a mujaddid and I dont know of anyone who has claimed that he was and he had nothing to do with Imam Ahmed Rida Khan rahimahullah.

    The best source to know Imam Ahmed RiDa Khan ( popularly pronounces as Imam Ahmed Raza khan) is to read his works. for that you would need to know Urdu or Arabic.

    Please go through the forums under http://www.sunniport.com/portal/index.php?c=4 to learn more.

    to get you started here is a list of around 600 of his works

    However his most Classic and voluminous work is his Fatwa in 24 volumes.

    Pls see : http://www.sunniport.com/portal/viewtopic.php?t=122

    a brief bio is posted at http://www.sunniport.com/portal/viewtopic.php?t=125
    If you want read a detailed biographical essay then you may want to read this book.



  2. Isa Abdullah

    Isa Abdullah Guest

    Assalamu alaikum-who is Imam Ahmed Rida, and where should I begin to learn about him? Move this topic if its in the wrong section, but i'm interested to know-I have great admiration for the mujaddid of the thirteenth century, Sayyid Ahmad Barelavi, but i have only heard of Imam Ahmed Rida-is he the one whom some believe to be the mujaddid of the fourteenth century?


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