www.QadiriJilani.com – Keeping You Informed

Discussion in 'Links' started by abu nibras, Apr 19, 2008.

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  1. abu nibras

    abu nibras Staff Member

    poga is on a 6 month vacation from the forum
  2. a strange post---truth's honey mixed with dangerous poison. Yes, we are happy to call ourselves stray dogs of the streets of Sayyidina Ghawth al Azam :ra: but, remember!, Hazrat Shaykh al Akbar Muhiuddin Muhammad Ibn Arabi :ra: is also one of the greatest of all awliya and we are not worthy to mention his name! In fact he is the shahenshah of the Ahle Sunnat! And he is the spiritual son of Sayyidina Ghawth al Azam...
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 19, 2008
  3. Muhammadi

    Muhammadi Well-Known Member

    shī’ah honay say tawbah


    Once, some shī’ah came to Bury, Lancashire, UK to take bay’ah upon the hands of hazrat mufakkir al-islām. Hazrat told them to repeat these very same words [shī’ah honay say tawbah] during bay’ah to which they declined because of their disappointment at hazrat’s opposition to the shī’ah.

    They asked hazrat as to why he opposed the shī’ah way to which hazrat replied that this mazhab was not the mazhab of my fathers and ancestors hasan and husayn [radī Allāhu ‘anhumā]. Besides, shī’ah are misguided and some uphold blasphemous beliefs such as tahrīf al-qurān.

    The shī’ah requested hazrat to prove these claims to which hazrat returned at a later given date with the relevant texts expanding objectively on his claims. Click here to view that detailed lecture.
  4. masha Allah a great idea!
    the bayat video on youtube is cool: "...wahabi hone se tawba! shia hone se tawba! deobandi hone se tawba!.."

  5. Muhammadi

    Muhammadi Well-Known Member


    We are currently in our initial phases and will upload as much content as we can as soon as possible, inshā Allāh ta’ālā.

    Haq wa Sadāqat Kī Nishānī!
    Pīr Sayyid ‘Abdul Qādir Jīlānī!

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