i watched a few minutes from here and there. (will listen to it in sha'Allah, when i find free time) one must understand that uluww in isnad is only for barakah. in our times, it has no value in terms of 'precedence' over other reports. nor does it impart special knowledge or a special status for ordinary people who are not even students of deen. and shaykh yaqubi to his credit has clarified it - that his ijazah `aamah is only on condition that one is righteous and remains such that he is deserving of that ijazah. he also clarified that this doesn't authorise them as students of knowledge even. full points to shaykh yaqubi for this frankness and fulfilling the amanah of ilm. yet this clip saddens me all the more. if shaykh yaqubi sahib remained true the manhaj of his illustrious forefathers, he would have many admirers amongst us. --- imam sarakhsi (d.490 AH) in his usul mentions that the previous generation of muhaddithin did not issue such ijazahs, though later ulama permitted it. see usul of imam sarakhsi, v1p378: ----- trans: later scholars permitted it as a concession and to accommodate those* with time constraints; but this concession closes the door of striving in the path of religion (and expending efforts to gain/spread knowledge). and opens the door of sloth and is therefore, not a sound reason to adopt it. as for the books that are written (published) and are well-known and widespread (i.e., "in the hands of people") there is no harm in reading them and understanding from those books. and such a person would be accurate in saying: "so-and-so has said it thus" or "the opinion (madh'hab) of so-and-so is thus" and should not say: "narrated to us" or "reported to us" (haddathani, akhbarani) - and this is because it draws from (the author's knowledge/standing) and is similar to information that is well-known and widespread knowledge (khabar mash'hur). *that is visitors would not have enough time to complete whole books (for sama'a or qira'ah, that is listening to the whole book being read or reading it).
Chin o Arab hamaraa hindostaaN hamaara Muslim hain hum; watan hai saara jahaaN hamaara Allama Muhammad Ikbal Unbeknown Effendi I love Roti.
ottomans are not "apna"? personally I think it gives a good effect. Turkish is a sweet language, I love the turks for their contributions to sunni Islam. come, come we must always be charitable. The folly of youth should not be recounted to the wise ears of maturity. besides, I guess the due partaking of Turkish Delights and Kebaps, albeit belated, must count for something. Mehmet Sekil ever tried Kebaps with roti? - you should. That would be a truly transcontinental fare and earn you the gastronomical right to declaim in whichever language you please.
Shakil we know you study in Istanbul but you were born and raised on roti and daal down south near London. You're not an ottoman. You're an apna. Stop the acting and stop the good ol' take 'the good' from akram and 'leave the bad' You should be ashamed.
May Allah grant Tawfiq to Yaqübi Hocafendi and us all to follow the way of the Ulama Ehl-i Sünnet and the way of Hadrat Imâm-ı Rabbâni Ahmad Fârûkî Sirhandi (rahmatullah alayh), Ameen
and all those shouting screaming claimants to knowledge who do not have the guts to speak for truth and are happy clicking selfies and trumpeting their own 'connections' with senior ulama should take note.
shaykh sayid foudeh says: (sharh al-kabir of tahawiyyah, p.1454-55) and we find it surprising that many people in our times, who associate themselves with ahlu's sunnah are friendly with heretics and disbelievers. and the degree of this (love and) friendship varies from mere silence to avoiding refutation of (those heretics/kuffar) to standing in solidarity with them against the people of truth (i.e. ahl al-sunnah) - demonstrating that they ignore (those heretical positions) or display generosity (that their large hearts can exempt those transgressions). all of this is invalid (baTil) and it is not permissible. they do this with heretics to the point of deception or just agree with them in their heresies. it is wajib for those who are aware of the madh'hab of truth (i.e. ahl al-sunnah) that they should invite towards the truth as much as possible, to the best of their ability and do everything in their power - and to aid and befriend followers of this madh'hab (of truth) and support them, and defend them against their enemies. ==== yaqubi sab should listen to this sane advice.
When Musa (peace be upon him) went up Mount Sinai he left Harun (peace be upon him) as his representative. In the following clip at 7 minutes onwards, Akram Nadwi states that Harun (peace upon him) did not intervene in stopping the Israelites from worshipping the golden calf in order to maintain unity. Akram does not know basic beliefs. How this ignorant Wahabi is touted as a jurist and a scholar of Hadith is beyond me. He needs to learn basics regarding the Prophets (peace be upon them). There are many other issues with Akram like: denying there is such thing as 'aqida', as well as denial of many other things. https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=2045083252446526
https://www.civilsociety.co.uk/news...mission-order-to-change-a-charity-s-name.html Tim v Smelly Akram
Waj you might be told to stand in the naughty corner with your hands on your head if you continue posting on Akram Nadwi.