Yasir Qadhi and Asrar Rashid - Aqida

Discussion in 'Multimedia' started by Mehmet Sekil, Oct 21, 2023.

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  1. shahnawazgm

    shahnawazgm Veteran

    At 2:30 min, I came away from this that according to Shaykh Asrar we have "Quboori" people as well in our ummah doing shirk and he made it clear he is not one of them.

    I think he has played more into the arms of the Wahhabis here by tacitly acknowledging "grave worshipping" goes on in the Indian subcontinent.

    He should have been firmer in stating that this ummah does not do shirk!
  2. Noori

    Noori Senior Moderator

    should shaykh asrar not have called this out and said the differences are not minor, we disagree on major issues? will a common person/follower not take it as tacit approval?
    Ghulam Ali and Aqdas like this.
  3. Khanah

    Khanah Veteran

    1. Anyone doubting that Hijab etc are deviants hasn't watched enough of his videos. It's very clear that he is one of the new salafi breed that dislikes ibn Abdul Wahhab but thinks ibn taymiyyah is a mujaddid despite his clear cut deviant views. For example, he acknowledges that at least at some point in Ibn Taymiyyah's life, he believed hellfire is not eternal. Maybe shaykh asrar should seek clarification from Hijab as to whether this would have made tajdeed imaan necessary upon ibn taymiyyah and whether Hijab believes he repented from such clear cut kufr, in order for him to now go around calling him as shaykh ul Islam. Dilly himself is clear cut sulh kulli, if not outside of sunni Islam from the get go. Watch his video where he's sucking up to omar Suleiman recently. Haitham is another standard wahabbi who was justifying Hamza Yousaf (leader of the Scottish national Party) after his kufr comments re homosexuality (read his article on islam2c or whatever it's called).

    2. I'm not saying shaykh asrar is sulh kulli based on this conference at all. I'm just saying... How does anyone benefit from holding a conference where the people watching already agree with everything you're saying? Like, if you're going to share a stage with these clowns, shouldn't the actual outcome of what you're doing be tangible? Is it OK to join these types of conferences when they're is absolutely no benefit? I wouldn't have an issue with him being at this conference if I thought it would actually do something. All that's happened is that it's raised awareness about the plight of Palestinians amongst... People who already know about the plight of Palestinians?
    Ghulam Ali and Aqdas like this.
  4. Mohammed Nawaz

    Mohammed Nawaz Corrections are always welcomed with appreciation

    I'm just trying to figure out how Mufti Shahid Saheb's protests against propaganda Rafidi film with deos are any different from this.
  5. Sunni By Nature

    Sunni By Nature Active Member

    Historic meeting in Damascus:

    - Shaykh Ahmed Yassin - founder of Hamas
    - Shaykh Sayyid Nazim al-Haqqani al-Qubrusi - leader of the Naqshbandi Tariqah
    - Shaykh Ahmed Kuftaro - The Grand Mufti of Syria
    - Shaykh Sayyid Hisham al-Kabbani - founder of the islamic supreme council of America
    - Shaykh Ahmed Amir - world renowned Egyptian Qari

    Last edited: Nov 19, 2023
  6. AbdalQadir

    AbdalQadir time to move along! will check pm's.

    ok i can't speak for the UK,

    but we both know in india, let alone against pakistan, if someone expressed joy at australia thrashing india today on facebook, they'll get arrested even over a cricket match! it has actually happened. people have been arrested at expressing joy over india losing a cricket match! post-911, in india too Barelvis/Sufis were seen as non-extremist, but that episode was over in 2014 in india.

    in north america too, the state machinery eyes everyone Muslim equally, regardless of your sect or if you mince your words and say zionist instead of jews or palestine instead of hamas. we know altering syntax and semantics don't mean anything on their side and they know it doesn't mean anything on our side, even if you make nuanced statements that not all jews are zionists and some are on our side, or if you say all of Palestine, Arabs, and Muslims are not hamas. it's just legal cosmetics for the most part, on both sides. all Muslims are equally suspect of anything and the feds eye everyone the same. you're a "good" Muslim to them only if you've been seen taking a bottle home for the night or if you eat bacon n eggs for breakfast!

    regardless of this event or who he shares the stage with, i'd be very shocked and surprised if they didn't keep tabs on Asrar Rashid already

    as for Dilly and 5pillars, i don't know uk again, but outside he's just seen as an ummah centric journo and a news org, so it's expected he will accommodate all sects, like he did in that talk, and will also ask for funding. same story with Muslim skeptic. given that he organized this talk and called all those people, i'm guessing his aqidah would be that of one of the speakers or maybe all of the speakers, but given the invited speakers i doubt he'll be some sort of a feminist or lgbt kinda guy, but that's just me seeing as an outsider.

    i also don't know if he's like that rafidi and zionist shill mehdi hassan whose rifd & support for zionists came out of the closet only after garnering some support from the ummah! i doubt Dilly is the same, but that's just me at this point in time.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2023
  7. Aqdas

    Aqdas Staff Member

    Who called Shaykh Asrar a sulh kulli?
    Ghulam Ali likes this.
  8. Hassan_0123

    Hassan_0123 HhhhhhhM_786

    Recent picture. I guess Mufti Muneeb Ur Rahman is a sulla kulli too? We have to be consistent. If Sh Asrar is, so is Mufti Muneeb Ur Rahman. So is Allama Noorani. So is Shahid Ali and Mufti Aslam Bandyalwi. I think we need to cancel a lot of Ulema tbh
  9. sherkhan

    sherkhan Veteran

    I have a different take on this. I'm totally against sulh kullism (like many others here), but at the same time don't believe that Shaykh Asrar (SA) is backsliding into sulh kullism or being completely out-of-way attending these mixed gatherings. I didn't squeak so much when SA went on air with Shadee against YQ; since he was only putting forth his views (without dilution) and representing ahl us-sunnah.

    This 5pillar gathering was a joke. Each of the speakers already have been holding forth their views on Palestine on their respective well-followed channels. So what did the gathering achieve? Coming together of minds and showing the unity within the community? All the speakers did was, preached to the choir.

    And what did Shaykh Asrar gain? At the end of gathering, all he did was endorse 5pillar and ask everyone to support it monetarily. That lends credibility to the platform which hosts deviants.

    If Shaykh Asrar dallies with Dilly, then it may cause weaker/lesser followers to dilly-dally on usuli matters!


    My other concern with such meetings is giving stage to Hizb ut-Tahrir's Abdul Wahid. Shaykh Asrar shouldn't be seen in the same frame with HuT. For good or bad, HuT is a proscribed organisation and gives the community a bad name in the UK. It's no-brainer that every one who associates with HuT will be put under surveillance and profiled. Even Dilly got a visit from police the other day!

    Not that we should care about the racially biased govt machinery; but why should Shaykh Asrar put his own well-earned reputation (and that of his "sufi"/barelwi school) in line for appearance at inconsequential 5pillar meeting? Last thing that he would like (not that he would care) is to be "wrongly" labelled as terror-sympathiser. Besides bad optics, he will face unnecessary harassment (and visits) at the hand of authorities (which have nothing better to do).


    Doesn't Shaykh Asrar know that Hamas is a designated terrorist organisation in the UK (well, I too give two-hoots to such designation!)? Any public call to the ummah for creating/pooling zakat fund to help Palestine will be perversely (and deliberately) misconstrued by the govt as a call to support terror funding. A number of UK charity got shuttered for this very reason.

    By all means, we need to be courageous in face of perennially Islamophobic, genocide-supporting govt; but we need to be smart. I'm a big believer in "saanp bhi marey, lathi bhi na tutey".

    Wouldn't you rather send your zakat for Palestinian cause without being noticed? It means, you can do so continuously (and beneficiaries can receive without hitch). If you go public or be open about remittances, then I doubt you will be able to do so for long.


    That's why I think, it's better for Muslims in the UK to march behind Palestinian Solidarity Campaign and other such non-Muslim bodies, rather than make the mass protests a Muslim-only event. Firstly, that will alienate non-Muslim supporters of Palestinian cause. Secondly, it will make it easy for the govt to delegitimise such campaign as a sectarian, partisan one without broad, mass following. To be smart is better than just being brave and fire-brand!

    Discretion is the better part of valour!
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2023
    Ghulam Ali likes this.
  10. Hassan_0123

    Hassan_0123 HhhhhhhM_786

    As someone who I won't mention said to me succinctly, 'Barelvis won't be happy until Hijab and Dilly and Co annouce themselves as Barelvis, until then Shaykh Asrar should have nothing to do with them'.

    Also can we have clear definitive explicit proof where Hijab is not orthodox. He's actually criticised the Wahabi understanding of the Sifaat of Allah which indicates He's on the Athari/Hanbali side.
  11. AbdalQadir

    AbdalQadir time to move along! will check pm's.

    don't forget Allama Abdul Ghafoor Hazarvi saab, a student of Hazrat Hamid Raza Khan marhoom, being one of the co-founders of the Islami Nazriyati Council - alongside the founder of Jamiat Ulamai Hind (devbandis)
  12. Hassan_0123

    Hassan_0123 HhhhhhhM_786

    And I'm not defending Yasir at all. I consider him to be one of them Taqqiyah Deos who are deceiving and sly but I've seen clips of him where he says Barelvis are part of Ahlus Sunnah and that he doesn't consider Imam ARK a Takfiri but even if he was a hardcore Deobandi, what is wrong with Sh Asrar uniting on the Palestinian issue only?

    Are we going to shun these events whilst thousands of children get blown to pieces because apparently the public is going to think these scholars are fine? Lol. What a ridiculous take. No issue is more important than the Palestinian issue today.

    Was Allama Noorani wrong for uniting with Ahle Hadith and Deobandis and even Shia against the Qadiyanis? Why couldn't Allama Noorani just limit to Barelvi scholars is what you're implying.
  13. Hassan_0123

    Hassan_0123 HhhhhhhM_786

    Any Mufti who understands the importance of the Palestinian issue and understands that Sh Asrar is uniting only on this issue would not issue a fatwa against Sh Asrar.

    I'm also confident that if Barelvi scholars of the past like Allama Noorani or even scholars like Mufti Muneeb Ur Rahman were to be invited to speak with members of other sects in Pakistan on the Palestinian issue, they would attend 100%.
  14. AbdalQadir

    AbdalQadir time to move along! will check pm's.

    what about it? so he took some pics with the rest of the speakers post-event!

    does that mean he endorses them on everything they've ever said/done or their aqidah?

    what about turning this objection on the other side - how many wahabis are declaring their shuyukh as being soft on "jahmiism" and "qubooriism"?

    maybe i'm too thick but to me all of the organizers, speakers, and attendees KNOW that these are people with different aqaid-base standing together for Palestine. in fact that's what this Yasir al-hanafi, whoever he is, says clearly in his tweet.

    if you follow this maxim that given our times and mobile at everyone's disposal, you can't sit with deviants or kuffar, can you put your hand on your heart and say you've never had pics taken with kafirs or deviants at work or any such place or event of a common pursuit like a protest march or something?

    i don't know you, maybe you can actually make such a claim.

    but what about some ulama of Bareilly sitting at the same table as yogi adityanath (a hindutva top dog hating Muslims who has publicly threatened to Muslims you won't find burial spots in this country) with an idol placed near him? if there are any fatwas against them, please bring them forward. i don't know. you can find pictures of the meeting anywhere on the net!

    again, let's put our money where our mouths are -

    all those who oppose Asrar Rashid - can they provide, pictures, stats, numbers, crowd sizes, recordings etc. of all that they have done pro-Palestine in strictly tanatan circles? let's be honest and fair here.

    dunno about Dilly, but Hijab and Hamza are known to be non-madkhali salafis afaik

    btw, this is an aside, but Asrar Rashid has made his telegram channel by invitation/private recently, so like me, i'm assuming many others too would be shut off from it

    incidentally, within wahabis, antagonism towards the madkhalis is growing at an exponential rate post this conflict, and non-madkhali wahabis are starting to call the madkhalis as a govt-sponsored cult rather quickly and emphatically!
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2023
  15. Hassan_0123

    Hassan_0123 HhhhhhhM_786

    It boils down to this and can we get an answer from a qualified Mufti, not someone who's done a Takhassus course in Fiqh. Can someone ask this Mufti...

    'What is the ruling on a Sunni scholar attending an event and speaking on the issue of the future of the Palestinians and Masjid Al Aqsa where scholars of different sects* also attend and show unity on this PARTICULAR issue?'.

    The reason I've capitalised particular is because Shaykh Asrar is displaying unity on the Palestinian issue only, nothing else.

    The reason I've put a star next to sects is because the deviance of Hijab, Hamza and Dilly is not confirmed at all even in the slightest. The only questionable person there is Yasir Al Hanafi but he wasn't on the people meant to speak, he was in the private gathering after.

    It would be good to get an answer from a proper qualified Mufti.
  16. HASSAN

    HASSAN Well-Known Member

  17. HASSAN

    HASSAN Well-Known Member

    IMG-20231119-WA0014.jpg IMG-20231119-WA0014.jpg IMG-20231119-WA0013.jpg IMG-20231119-WA0015.jpg IMG-20231119-WA0018.jpg
    What about this?
  18. AbdalQadir

    AbdalQadir time to move along! will check pm's.

    my lament at all this is three-fold


    those of us who keep up with these kind of criticisms, they will essentially become ineffective 'Sunnis who cry sulah kulli' and they won't be taken seriously when the REAL sulah kulli shows up - tahir padri anyone? i'm shocked at the amount of people still conned by this conman!


    we (desi Sunnis, or Barelwis if you will) will be seen as a cult like the ahbash who like to stay away from not just from wahabis but even other full on Sunnis like African or Turkish Sunnis and are unconcerned about the affairs of the ummah and society at large (hindutva, liberalism, lgbt, drugs, alcohol, breaking up of marriages, problems in society etc etc), or masking their inefficiency and incompetence to deal with these issues. very sorry but in fact even within ourselves we see mureeds of different shuyukh as cults


    with the greatest respect (again apologies if it seems i'm exceeding my bounds)

    let's put our money where our mouths are, shall we? what EXACTLY is it that we're striving to safeguard? Maslake Raza? Awesome! let's pull aside 50 random 10-25 yr old common people after our Namaze Juma behind a tanatan Sunni imam - and let's ask them a few questions on what is the definition of a Sunni and some questions on elementary Sunni aqaid from Bahare Shariat Part 1. I'm not making any claims, but let's just gather some data to see how strong we are as Sunnis. I can't speak for the Sunni aam aadmi of UK, but my observation from India and north America are beyond dismal! incidentally, this same issue has been lamented upon by people like Shah Abdul Haq saab son of Shah Turabul Haq saab that let's ask our kids to clarify the aqidah of Noor & Bashar, and he'll start reading the naat "Noor Wala aaya hai"

    do note that there is no taqleed in aqidah and also Sunniyat is not something inherited like our desi or pardesi culture! so just how much tanatan Sunnis clinging on to Maslake Raza have we made of our kids? if our answer is not very impressive, then just what is it that we are supposedly defending?


    So yeah, I support Asrar Rashid 150% on this front.

    Even in the OP, Asrar Rashid made it crystal clear what his aqidah is and what he stands for and even intelligently inserted Fatawa Haramayn in the talk, which made yasir qadhi cringe!
    TheHanafiCat likes this.
  19. AbdalQadir

    AbdalQadir time to move along! will check pm's.

    that it is about Al-Aqsa, Palestine and the ummah as a whole.

    I'm sorry but i have to protest here so apologies in advance if I don't keep my manners (or appear to not keep them).

    I'm certainly not in agreement with everything brother Asrar Rashid says or does (see the other thread where I took umbrage of his actually ironic definition of harbi and darul harb given that he's a star Sunni scholar on matters speaking against colonialism and the war on Islam) lest someone think I'm a blind fanboy/mureed, but do sincerely respect him as a Sunni scholar with sincere intentions.

    Can't the other guys' fanbase too complain to their shaykh/group - fulan salafi is becoming a sufi by appearing on stage along with Asrar Rashid!

    It seems the only people who don't get it is our desi Sunni lot.

    I've protested before too online as well as offline to a lot of people

    1 - Please provide a an exacting legal (fiqh pov) and functional definition of a sulah kulli
    2 - Actions events etc. that can be counted as sulah kuliyat
    3 - Working guidelines and do's and don'ts for Sunni ulama and awam to not fall into it. These do's and don'ts should have actual Shar3i hukm on them (haram, mubah, makruh, kufr, wajib, farz, etc.)

    Will be much appreciated if someone can write a risalah on it!

    What will you brothers tell about -
    • Raza Academy (Bombay) brothers filing bail for wahabis after 911, or
    • Sunnis in India raising their voices against the banning of SIMI (maududi's jamat student wing) back in the days of vajpayee, or
    • Shah Ahmad Noorani saab and Shaykh Abdul Mustafa Azmi saab (son of Sadrush Shariah) marhoom pulling the devbandis, wahabis, and shias along with them against the qadianis, or
    • the so many Turkish and Arab Sunnis who gladly and rightly imo protest against the atrocities on Palestine or Uiyghurs or so on; or
    • the so many tanatan and outspoken Sunni maulanas (including big names like Muzaffar Shah saab) sharing the stage with the rawafid and devbandis on Pakistan's TV shows all through the 2000's and 2010's - all in the name of security of Pakistan, or
    • Ala Hazrat's khalifa Maulana Abdul Aleem Siddiqi calling "Sir" Ahmad Khan founder of Aligarh as a Muslim when conversing to George Bernard Shaw while preaching Islam to him (despite the fact that Ala Hazrat declared him to be a murtad, as did the devbandi elders, something their followers don't know) or
    • the Barelvi ulama of Pakistan participating in the Islami Nazriyati Council alongside devbandis (specifically Abdul Ghafur Hazarvi saab student of Shaykh Hamid Raza Khan saab marhoom), or the Markazi Ruet-e Hilal Committee in these times (i have no idea on the current state of affairs at the Nazriyati Council in this day as Pakistan is an administrational and emotional wreck), or
    • Muneebur Rehman saab issuing a joint statement with Taqi Usmani on Covid precautions for public safety
    I've spoken to a respected mufti saab in Darul Uloom Amjadiya in karachi on this point at length one time, and he said clearly and very simply

    1- within Ahlus Sunnah, meaning in fiqh, we will refute (and in this case it means explain our interpretation of sacred law) even other mazhabs like Shafi3is or Malikis, and tell them, brothers, these are our Hanafi proofs and why we think this is the correct position, and Allah knows best

    2- on sectarianism we will defend only Sunni aqaid

    3 - when it comes to the ummah and millah as a whole, we will even join hands with wahabis or shias (sans open and defiant murtads)


    i agree that in SOME cases, it may not be clear who's doing da3wah to whom, especially when both sides employ diplomatic language

    i know in some cases someone might approach a deviant with the intention of doing da3wah, but can end up becoming deviant himself

    but is the glass really ALWAYS half empty and never half full?

    in this case of Palestine - all these guys are coming to stage with their own manhaj intact with the implications of -
    'I'm a Sunni Ash3ari and this is my take on Palestine',
    'I'm a salafi and this is my take and I announce bara'ah from the madkhalis',
    'I'm the idiot tank-top wearing "mufti" abulayth whom no one has officially declared murtad yet, so i enjoy the privilege of attending this talk to show my support for Palestine despite being a jahil clown'
    TheHanafiCat and Ali_Bash like this.
  20. sherkhan

    sherkhan Veteran

    My bad. I mistook Hamza Tzortzis for abu layth (aka razor punk). They look the same to me! Punk is obviously many more times repunknant (read "repugnant").

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