qattarridawi you sound like a jealous person. I pray that Allah increases the brother in his ilm his amal and service for the religion.
Oh I see he is a student as he may have studied basics with the shaykh, but has not advanced in his studies with the shaykh. I wanted more information in the sense does anyone know what he has studied, where he has studied etc. As I have seen him delivering a lecture at a talk down slough and also at a house gathering In Birmingham.
qattarridawi said Oh yes! I just realised it is the same person. That video was foolish and a joke to sunnis. Unsuffient arabic pronunciation, very poor usage of the english accent and a no substance to what he was saying. I heard Shaykh asrar said he needs no one to 'defend' him hence the video was taken down. So what if he is a student of the shaykh cant you just find it in your heart to pray for him. the brother is young and maybe has some (jasba) cant see you doing much for sunnis by criticizing our own.
Read the brothers FB page caption properly. He says anyone can claim anything under a photo and take a picture out of context. There are dozens if not hundreds of brothers who have studied basics with Asrar Rashid. Whether they have advanced in their studies or have finished is another issue.
Oh yes! I just realised it is the same person. That video was foolish and a joke to sunnis. Unsuffient arabic pronunciation, very poor usage of the english accent and a no substance to what he was saying. I heard Shaykh asrar said he needs no one to 'defend' him hence the video was taken down.
I believe he was.... i remember the young brother from a video in which he challenged the najdis in a Shaykh Asrar style type video a couple of years ago... after, he was told to take the video down...
Shaykh Asrar has also taught me a lot, via his YouTube videos and live lectures, iv met him in person a few times, received signed books from him, exchanged tabbaruk with him.. does that mean I can now claim to be his student.. definitely not I would say. Perhaps the brother ment it in a general sense when he said my teacher. Allah knows best
salam I was sent the following picture of a young maulana, apparently he has studied in Pakistan and is called Imam Bilal Asif. He claims he is shaykh asrar's student in the following picture. Any info on him?