Zaheer Mahmood Deobandi Insults RasulAllah sallAllahu alayhi wasallam

Discussion in 'Refutation' started by Aqdas, Jun 18, 2022.

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  1. i think a group of respectable people should go to him sincerely and with good adab and persuade him to retract these crazy statements. he is more likely to listen that way. really quite sad people are still making these types of statements. first we had the hassun-fiasco and now this.
  2. Ghulam

    Ghulam Veteran

    Kattar have the Ulema contacted Zahir for him to do Tawba? I think they need to do that asap.
  3. kattarsunni

    kattarsunni Veteran

    Shaykh Munawwar hafidhahu Allah needs no intro. He also ripped apart the jahil Hamza Karmali in a debate.
  4. Abdul Mustafa 786

    Abdul Mustafa 786 Active Member

    Shaykh Monawwar Ateeq Razvi (student of Shaykh Ya'coubi)'s rejoinder to Nuh Keller

    Speaking of Nuh Keller Shaykh Monawwar Ateeq Razvi has issued a four part rejoinder to Keller's Iman, Kufr and Takfeer. The latest part is on 'Knowledge of the Unseen Theology, In the Writings of Imam Jafar al-Katani, Imam Ahmed Raza Khan and Major Ulama at Madressah Deoband' (click on the link under the title which takes you to another page, then click on the link under the title again to download the approx. 30 page rejoinder):

    Shaykh Monawwar Ateeq Razvi is a student of Shaykh Ya'coubi and other major Shuyukh, see Shaykh's biography and articles at:
  5. kattarsunni

    kattarsunni Veteran

    This, according to Nuh Keller, would not be counted as an insult because Keller believes that intent is pre-condition for it to be an insult.

    This also shows the practical deviancy of Nuh Keller's article and mureeds.

    Then there is the deviancy in the 'mkan alkadhib' issue.

    la hawla wa laa quwwata illa billah.
  6. Dhiyaabun fi thiyaabin lab peh kalimah dil mein gusthaakhi,
    Salaam Islam mulhid ko keh tasleem e zubaani hai.
  7. The people can see what the present day followers believe, is this Deobandis service for the Deen al Islam. Insulting Rasulullah sall Allahu alaihi wasallam in taqleed of their elders Thanvi, Nanotvi, Ghangohi and Saharanpuri.

    al Iyaadhu billahi Tabaarak wa Ta'ala
  8. kattarsunni

    kattarsunni Veteran

    The worst thing is that the person who has uploaded the video is defending him and deleting comments of people.
  9. I know some people dislike hazrat sayyid irfan shah sahib for his harshness but he is 100% correct to be harsh with these people. We know their diseased reality that they are Wahabis in belief despite all appearances.
  10. These deobandits are proof that a leopard cannot change it's spots.
    Those Sunnis who hang around with such gustaakh also deserve some slaps.
  11. Ghulam

    Ghulam Veteran

    Sulha kullis should stop inviting these idiots to Sunni Masajid and sharing stages with them at conferences.
  12. kattarsunni

    kattarsunni Veteran

    Initially it was sufficient that he supported the four Deobandi culprits on his website. When they were exposed by Sidi Asrar in the Coventry speech they removed the q and a from their website.

    Now he has said this.

    Sulha Kulli "Sunnis" should take a lesson from this. Everyone knows who they are.
  13. Aqdas

    Aqdas Staff Member

    why did he have to add the words 'no disrespect' at the end of the sentence? it is only because he himself knows that what he says is or at least can be seen as disrespectful.

    what do rashid gangohi and husain madani say about zahir:

    those words that may be disrespectful to the prophet sallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam, even if the speaker does not intend to disrespect, he will still become a kafir.
  14. AbdalQadir

    AbdalQadir time to move along! will check pm's.

    Their own site has a few bits from the Shifa:

    Additionally nuh "not intrinsically impossible to lie" keller should have also read this before venturing out to write his cheap essay on iman, kufr and takfir.
  15. kattarsunni

    kattarsunni Veteran

    At 2 mins and 35 secs onwards he says that Sayyiduna Ali radiyAllahu anhu disobeyed RasulAllah for the first and last time.
  16. kattarsunni

    kattarsunni Veteran

    Here is the link to a Deobandi from Birmingham who says regarding RasulAllah sallAllahu alayhi wasallam that he was a "Bedouin" and then he says "it would be no exaggeration to say that many of the youngsters here could read better than RasulAllah sallAllahu alayhiwasallam": Listen to the following link from 1 min:

    There are many other inaccuracies in the talk also.

    He is head of the 'Suffa Institute' which is exposed here:

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