
Discussion in 'Aqidah/Kalam' started by naqshbandijamaati, Jan 13, 2010.

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  1. Wadood

    Wadood Veteran

    Brother abu abbas, honestly, we are not fans of Shaykh Hamza's mistakes and agendas either and I agree with you on the above. But we should avoid this wahhabi behaviour of putting 'kufr' at the doorstep of other people when we are in no position to say anything. And putting out unsubstantiated claims of which I too am guilty in the past on sunniport.

    Brother aH has warned us in the forum feedback category. He will ban anyone, no matter how much he or she loves 'ala HaDrat, if such wahhabi behaviour of throwing takfir here and there continues from them [to all new but suddenly hyperactive members]

    You are now a moderator on SunniTalk. You have a lot of responsibility. 'Ala HaDrat's advice:
  2. I never said Hamza Yusuf doesn't believe in it.

    But I do know that one should not narrate shadh opinions and then parade them around as if their valid, which is exactly what Hamza Yusuf was doing.

    And I have proven without a speck of a doubt that what Hamza Yusuf attempts to parade around as a "difference of opinion" is nothing other than a shadh opinion which Sayyida Ai`sha (radhi ALlahu `anha) is proven to have recanted from as per Imam Ibn Hajar in Fath al-Bari and that ALL the other saHaba (radhiy Allahu `anhum) rejected her opinion.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 11, 2010
  3. Brother Abu Abbas you have to have a valid reason to oppose someone!

    What Sidi Wadood is saying is that although HY may have said that there are different opinions related from the Sahaba about whether the dead can hear or not, that's not the same thing as saying he doesn't believe it.

    It goes against common sense to believe the dead cannot hear you and then chant, "Ya Shaykh Abd al Qadir Shay'an Lillah!" :)

    Sidi Haroon's point was that the 4 Schools are of Fiqh and this is a matter of aqidah. There are only 2 schools of aqidah in ahle sunnat. Maturidi (us Hanafis) and Ash'ari (the other 3). As for Shaykh Murabit al Hajj, I've never met him in person but from his video clips I've seen and photos he reminds of the saying, 'A wali is someone that when you see them you are reminded of Allah'.
    If you read about him it is a miracle such a person even exists in this age of pompous pirs and ostentatious orators. If most of our pirs and mullahs (not all) had to live like he does they'd run a mile.

    Please read this link:

    Shaykh Murabit al Hajj -surely a wali of Allah!

    more photos:
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2010
  4. As-Salamu `alaykum:

    I staunchly maintain my position against Zaytuna and even if you happen to not agree with me, I hope you will understand why I hold this position.

    JazakamAllahu khayran.

    Wassalam `alaykum
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 11, 2010
  5. Wadood

    Wadood Veteran

    I believe those maulanas are KS and his side-kicks on SunniTalk.
  6. hayaa

    hayaa Guest

    Hamza Yusuf is a great help for Muslims. I think Abuabbasmaliki is being used by his maulanas for personal gains.
  7. Haroon

    Haroon Guest

    So now you're saying that Shaykh Hamza has a corrupt aqeedah because he relayed an opinion which goes against the 4 schools of FIQH.

    You dont understand what you are talking about.
  8. Wadood

    Wadood Veteran

    Where did "sullah kulliyat" come from? You did not have this objection in the first post. You have posted these same objections a number of times on sunniport, and also gave us the link to you blog sidi. We are kind of tired.
  9. Wadood

    Wadood Veteran

    It means the hamzayusufites accept that hearing from the dead is possible and praiseworthy to ask the Awliya Allah for help (which is opposite of what you are making us believe here my brother abu abbas al-maliki al-ridawi
  10. Wadood

    Wadood Veteran

    No, because he is genuine about the college. Watch Faux News.

    He spent 10 years with the scholars. You might not have heard of Shaykh Murabit, but we have known him since the beginning of Sunniport. And then another 10 years again with others. How many have you done? He did nothing else but gain Deeni education at the hands of pure Sunni scholars.

    Wa Allahu wa Rasuluhu `alam
  11. Deleted
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 11, 2010
  12. In addition, just because they listen to "Ya `Abd al-Qadir Shayun lillah" doesn't mean anything especially if they allow narration of shaddh opinions that are against Ahl`e Sunnah under the pretext of "difference of opinion"
  13. ---------------------
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 11, 2010
  14. In this day and age Allah hii maalik hai!
  15. Wadood

    Wadood Veteran

    Compare this to Pir Abdul Qadir Jilani Sahib, and Yahya al-Ninowy, who not only accept the basic aqida texts, but also interpret them differently, and recently added another text in the basic set, while at the same time claiming to have the 'khairabadi line' from Shaykh Sardar Ahmad al-Qadiri (who actually declares tafzilis to be out of ahl al-sunnah)
  16. and the basic aqidah texts are all accepted by everyone.
  17. This is the problem with some Sunnis--unless someone is EXACTLY like us in every little detail--we think he's not a Sunni! As long as the basic aqidah of ahle sunnat is met the peripheral details are allowed to be different, right?
  18. Wadood

    Wadood Veteran

    When did zaytuna become a sect?

    I just came from a meeting of theirs, where they were listening to the qasida

    "ya 'abdal qadir shay'an lilAllah!"
  19. Wadood

    Wadood Veteran

    1) Shaykh Hamza has got his basic Aqida correct. While brother abu abbas al-maliki has not.
    2) Shaykh Hamza does not do publicity stunts.
    3) He is a scholar, student of Shaykh Murabit al-Hajj. So how can he be ignorant? boggles my mind
  20. Haroon

    Haroon Guest

    Assalamu alaikum,

    Correct me if i am wrong, but since when was belief in whether the dead can hear us a part of the fardh beliefs of the aqeedah of the sunni muslims that failure to believe in which means a person has fasaid aqeedah?

    Using the term "Children of God" is about as much kufr as saying "merry christmas".

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