Daniel Haqiqtjou confronts Suhaib Webb

Discussion in 'Bickering' started by Abdullah Ahmed, Aug 1, 2023.

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  1. Abdullah Ahmed

    Abdullah Ahmed Veteran

    Which Ulema does he make videos against?
    Deviant ones?
    In that case, they’re not really Ulema. And it’s a good thing he exposes such people.

    Yes he has no credible teachers. And that’s also something we Sunnis should take some accountability for. I personally believe that he is a sincere individual that is ready to accept correct guidance and the truth if it is properly presented to him. However, unfortunately he hasn’t quite had that opportunity since deobandis were the first to arrive on the scene and set up shop.
    Now they’re the ones who are influencing him.

    However, I still believe that if Sunnis were able to get in touch with him and expose the true nature of deobandis to him, he would accept the Haq with little hesitation.

    Wallahu Alam
  2. Sunni By Nature

    Sunni By Nature Active Member

    Daniel Haqiqatjou is not a scholar and has no credible teacher. He spends a lot of his time hiding in his house and making YouTube videos against Ulamah.

    None of the Ulamah have been able to adequately confront him and put him in his place, but I don’t think he’d stand much of a chance after seeing this:

    Last edited: Jul 11, 2023
  3. Abdullah Ahmed

    Abdullah Ahmed Veteran

    A new video recently released by Daniel Haqiqatjou wherein he confronts Suhaib Webb at a masjid and publicly exposes his agenda.

    Sunnis really need to get in touch with Daniel Haqiqatjou since I believe that he is truly sincere and is doing good work.
    The problem is that the deobandis are influencing him. And that should’ve been us.


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