Sayyidi Nuri Mia - Words of wisdom

Discussion in 'Tasawwuf / Adab / Akhlaq' started by chisti-raza, Mar 12, 2010.

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  1. chisti-raza

    chisti-raza Veteran

    On Wajd

    Sometimes in Sima the listener goes into a state of pure joy (Wajd). These states vary according to the spiritual conditions of an individual. Sometimes the listener cries or laughs or says, “Ah” or sometimes he remains silent. Wajd is the undisturbed expressions of happiness or sadness of the heart. Tawajud is when one engages in acts that may lead to true Wajd. This is also permissible as long as the intention is sincere because all actions depend on one’s intentions.

    It is compulsory for a Salik to honour and respect the illustrious Sufis when they experience this state of happiness. This is so because this Tajalli (Glow) is not that of the Salik, but of the Master of his Silsila. There is no harm if one imitates the elders in this state. If one’s state is sincere but he does not respect and honour the Masters, then one will be stripped of this Divinely Blessed privilege. This results in spiritual loss. However, respect is of paramount importance even though the Wajd may not be true. Only Allah the Almighty is aware of the conditions of the heart. One must not judge another’s Wajd, or condemn it. Suspicion and mistrust are Haram and even more severe in the Laws of Tariqah. Always exercise a good opinion of a Muslim.

    [Siraj al-Awarif fi al-Wasaya-wa al-Ma'arif - the fourth lustre (the 38th nur)]
  2. chisti-raza

    chisti-raza Veteran

    On the Ulema [the sixth lustre (the 2nd nur)]

    Do not observe the actions of the righteous Ulema but pay heed to what they say. One’s actions are limited to oneself though they may seem to be contrary to the Sunnah. Words are for the people and it is not expected of the Ulema to speak against the Sunnah. Do not follow their actions if they are contradictory to the Sunnah. The same applies to their words, but it is very unlikely that they may say things contradictory as they are supposed to be responsible representatives of the Divine Law. They will only speak that which is of benefit to the Ummah. [Siraj al-Awarif fi al-Wasaya-wa al-Ma'arif - the sixth lustre (the 2nd nur)]
  3. chisti-raza

    chisti-raza Veteran

    More words of wisdom from the Grandmaster

    Do not be vulgar to anyone as they will do the same to you.Vulgarity destroys one’s respect and is a sin for the hereafter. A vulgar person will always experience embarrassment.The detriment and injury of the tongue is not limited only to this world but it also has a distressing effect in the Hereafter. [Siraj al-Awarif fi al-Wasaya-wa al-Ma'arif - the sixth lustre (the 6th nur)]
  4. Shukran, Sayyidi al-Akh al-Karim
  5. SA01

    SA01 Veteran

    SUBHANALLAH! Short, sharp and succinct advice :)
  6. chisti-raza

    chisti-raza Veteran

    Some of Qutbul-Irshād, Sirājul-Awliya, Sayyid Abul-Husayn Ahmad-e Nūrī al-Husaynī al-Qadrī al-Barkatī (The teacher of Imam Ahmad Rida and the Mushid of Imam Mustafa Rida ibn Ahmad Rida) rađiyAllāhu ánhu Words of Wisdom:-

    1. Abstain from the company of misers.
    2. Continuously eating meat for 40 days corrupts the heart.
    3. Tarīqah is not separate from Sharī’āh. In fact, the pinnacle of perfection of Sharī’āh is called Tarīqah.
    4. Abstain from people with corrupt beliefs as their company destroys one’s Imān and causes laziness in worship.
    5. Be punctual in the 5 daily Salāh. It is the root of excellence.
    6. One woman cannot be the wife of two husbands. Similarly, one Talib cannot be the Murīd of two Murshids.
    7. Never regard anyone inferior to yourself.
    8. Always acknowledge the favours of Allah Almighty on you.
    9. Control your eyes from all unlawful things.
    10. Humility generates excellence
    11. Serve and show respect to the Awliya. It is a source of Salvation.


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