Sunni Tehreek for Egypt

Discussion in 'Smalltalk' started by Farooq, Sep 14, 2011.

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  1. Farooq

    Farooq New Member

    Insh'Allah the Egyptian Sunnis will succeed.

    Do you know of any Egyptian Sunni parties that can face the Wahabi groups? Or does anyone else?
  2. jasimisbest2

    jasimisbest2 Active Member

    Alhumdullilah, the Sunnis in PAkistan have become active and we are making big in roads.... and INSHALLAH brother Egypr will follow the same... the Wahabi Brotherhood party has had its poltical party there for long time... but now that Wahabis are coming in power and some Sufi Shrines have been attacked or celebration stopped the Sunnis have reliased what the difference hence within months the rift has appeared which is good for the Sunnis..

    INSHALLAH we are from the Jamaat of Rasool swas, we are on HAQ and HAQ may lose few battles but is always the Winner in the end.

  3. Farooq

    Farooq New Member

    Dear brother jasimisbest2 ,

    I agree Egypt is Alhumdolilah 90% Sunni ( against the cult of Wahabisism), however, if the BBC article is true, it is worrisome that Salafis are making political headway.

    I think Sunnis should unite in Egypt and overcome the political Salalfi challenge. Given the environment, just as the Sunnis have become more active in Pakistan, the Egyptian Sunnis will have to follow suit.
  4. jasimisbest2

    jasimisbest2 Active Member

    Farooq bahi the Salafi's can be stronger party... but Egpyt is 90% Sunni followeers, they do milad, go to Shrines etc etc... and the salafis cant stop that practice because the Sunnis known there Aqeedah very well there...

    but obviously the dirt of Salafi will try its best spread
  5. Farooq

    Farooq New Member

    the article actually says that the Salafi groups are stronger
  6. Wadood

    Wadood Veteran

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