AssalamuAlaikum, Pray everyone is well. Another beautiful gift for those who want to increase the barakah in their life. I have Imam Ahmad al Maqarri al Tilimsani's book on the Radiant Sandal of the Prophet SalAllahu Alaihi Wasallam to sell. We have about 10 copies. £25 including P & P. Please PM me if interested. The book is in Arabic only and is titled "Fat'h al Muta'al fi madh al Ni'al". Shaykh Munawar Ateeq has written a blog entry as well as an article in the IllumiNation magazine on the blessed sandal. "Verily I serve the image of the Sandal of Mustafa. That I shall live under its shadow in both worlds. [Sa'd] Ibn Masud was in the service of His Sandal. And I am fortunate by serving its image. I dust the Sandal image with the whiteness of my beard. Since the Prophet SalAllahu Alaihi Wasallam fastened the band that passed between His toes. It is not for the image that my heart is longing. Yet it yearns for the one who wore this Sandal. We are lowered by awe to honour this Sandal. And whenever we lower before it we are raised. So place it on the highest shelf! For indeed in reality it is a crown and only outwardly a Sandal" ~ Shaykh Yusuf al Nabhani. [Taken from the book above] May we continue to honour the one who honours us. Ameen And may Allah be pleased with you all.