about the daughter being back in her parents' home if she is divorced or widowed. @Aqdas: Perhaps the claimant is mixing up the meaning of this hadeeth, (and thereby wrongly equating the unmarried daughter to a dead body).
The one about marrying daughter off as soon as match found or being a mercy when divorced? Here is one about marrying off unmarried women: Nabi (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, ‘Oh Ali (Radhiallaahu Anhu)! Never delay in 3 matters; Salaat – when it’s time is nigh; Janaaza – when it is ready (before you), an unmarried woman – when her Kufu’ (suitable partner) is found.’ (Tirmidhi)
The Hadeeth commands to get a daughter married as soon as a good match is found. and I read the opposite regarding a divorced daughter - that she is a mercy when she is (back) in her father's home. So one must not regard her as any sort of 'burden'.
'An unmarried daughter is like having a dead body in the home.' Someone is claiming this is a hadith. Can someone confirm?