On Mawla Ali

Discussion in 'Hadayiq e Bakhshish' started by abu Hasan, Apr 4, 2024.

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  1. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    the hadith of bukhari is indeed about sayyiduna abu bakr al-siddiq raDi'Allahu anhu. this is the sahih narration: #3654, #466 and portion in #3904.

    bukhari 3654.png

    however, there are other narrations that mention mawla ali raDi'Allahu anhu. imam ibn al-jawzi in his al-mawDu'at claimed that they were forgeries and concocted by rawafiD to counter the narration of mawla abu bakr raDi'Allahu anhu and hence posit against his superiority. imam ibn Hajar does not agree with it and says that it is a serious mistake on the part of ibn al-jawzi, because it summarily rejects a number of sahih narrations.

    ibn al-jawzi's argument was that the narration mentioning mawla ali opposes well-known sahih narrations that mention mawla abu bakr. ibn Hajar is not convinced and says he cannot consign this narration (of mawla ali) to forgery merely because it is apparently contradictory; because that would reject a number of sahih narrations. besides, both narrations can be reconciled and he then he explains citing bazzar and others.

    in summary: the narrations that mentions "not to close the door of mawla ali" as in fat'h al-bari: 8/331

    via sa'ad ibn abi waqqas - hadith in musnad ahmad and nasayi (the isnad is strong / qawi)

    hadith in tabarani's mu'jam awsat (narrators are all trustworthy / thiqaat)

    via zayd ibn arqam - hadith in musnad ahmad, nasayi and hakim. (all narators are trustworthy / rijaluhu thiqat)

    another similar narration via ibn abbas - hadith in musnad ahmad and nasayi.

    via jabir ibn samurah - reported by tabarani

    via ibn umar - reported by imam ahmad via a hasan chain

    via ibn umar - reported by nasayi - thru the route of alaa ibn araar; all narrators except alaa are narrators of sahihayn.
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2024
    HASSAN, AMQadiri and Aqdas like this.
  2. ramiz.noorie

    ramiz.noorie Active Member

    I think this hadith refers to hazrat Abu Bakr and not hazrat Ali, please cross check
    Aqdas likes this.
  3. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    faSlu'l khitab is that it is faSl. wAllahu a'alam.

    at the outset, it looks a simple verse. but has many inside references.

    aSl nasl e Safaa, wajh e waSl e khudaa
    baab e faSl e wilayat pay lakhon salam.

    the origin of the pure descendants [of the Prophet sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam]; the way to reach Allah
    the door to the section of Divine Friendship [wilayah] - a billion salutations upon him


    faSl rhymes and is juxtaposed with waSl in the previous sheyr.

    waSl = to join, to reach.
    faSl = to be separated.

    in the context of a book: waSl is a discussion that is being continued from previous;
    faSl is a section [literally!] which is separate from previous topic.

    here is another word play. baab is a chapter. faSl is a section, usually within a chapter. so a faSl is a portion of a chapter and a faSl belongs to a chapter.

    thus if all the awliya of the ummah are like separate sections, they are all gathered under one 'chapter': mawla ali raDi'Allah anhu.

    and mawla ali raDi'Allahu anhu is the baab = the door to the madinatu'l ilm. sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam.

    in mufradat of raghib: "in the context of knowledge, [or books] one says: baab kadhaa / door to something. this knowledge is a "door" to such and such knowledge; i.e. a door to reach [yatawaSSalu] it. hence the hadith: "i am the city of knowledge and ali is its door."
    meaning "you can reach my knowledge through him" [i.e. reach the knowledge of the Prophet sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam thru mawla ali].

    in another hadith that mentions 'door' in the context of mawla ali: "all the doors opening into the masjid were closed except for the door of ali"

    wajh e waSl e khuda = the means to help you reach Allah
    baab e faSl e wilayat = the door to the section of 'Friends of Allah' / door to the section of "relation" with the Prophet sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam. [see below]


    faSl rhymes with, can also be juxtaposed with aSl in the previous sheyr.

    aSl means - the origin and the root; ancestor in other words;
    faSl in THIS context is a branch, that is progeny.

    in this meaning the sheyr becomes:

    he is the root, the origin of the pure descendants [aSl e nasl e safa]
    he is door for the branches/spiritual offspring of wilayah to reach Allah [baab e faSl e wilayat]

    the arabic idiom: laa aSla lahu wa laa faSl لا أصل له ولا فصل means - a person of neither notable ancestry, nor having children.
    the opposite of which is a man of aSl and faSl - he is from a noble family [haseeb] and his descendants are notable and numerous. i.e. 'fasl e wilayat' / numerous awliyaa among his descendants and he is the 'baab' / the door by which so many awliya in the ahl bayt - or awliya in general are given wilayah.


    faSl also is used as "judgement" / as in yawmu'l faSl = judgement day.
    faSl is to judge between truth and falsehood / al-qaDaa bayn al-haqq wa'l baTil [see taj al-arus]
    Allah ta'ala is "wa huwa khayru'l faSilin" / and He the absolutely the best in judgement. [see mufradat imam raghib].
    faSlu'l khitab = conclusion, and final verdict [literally, 'severing the speech'] fayslah/verdict in urdu is derived from this root.
    qawlun faSl = haqq = truth; the right word. as said in the verse: "innahu la qawlun faSl"

    here baab al-faSl could also indicate towards the hadith: aqDakum ali = ali is the best judge among you [that is among saHabah and obviously the context precludes Prophets and the Lord Almighty, who is the Absolute Judge; sub'hanahu wa ta'ala].

    wilayah - friendship, closeness, guardianship, rule etc.

    the hadith in this context is very famous: "man kuntu mawlahu fa aliyyun mawlah" / whoever i am master of, aliyy is also his master; or ali is also his helper; or ali is also to be deemed close and befriended and loved as i am. etc.

    ibn asakir has narrated a hadith in varying wording (and also with various asanid); i am quoting just two of them below

    ali is the best among my followers who judge by the Book of Allah; whosoever loves me, then let him love him [ali]
    for indeed a man [lit. slave/abd] cannot reach my friendship [or closeness /wilayah] except by the love of ali.

    ibn asakir via his chain. [42/241]​

    thus mawla ali is the decisive door [baab-e-faSl] to the closeness of Allah and His Messenger [wilayat]

    in another narration:

    i enjoin one who professes belief in me and affirms in my Messengership to love and befriend ali [bi wilayati ali]; one who befriends him [ali] has befriended me; and one who befriends me and befriended Allah.

    thus baab e faSl e wilayat pay lakhon salam because he is the way to reach Allah: wajh e waSl e khudaa.

    Allah ta'ala knows best.

    both narrations of ibn asakir in his tarikh dimashq vol.42


    trk dimshq, v42p241.png

    trk dimshq, v42p239.png
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2024
    HASSAN and sherkhan like this.
  4. غلام رسول

    غلام رسول Active Member

  5. Aqdas

    Aqdas Staff Member

    Fasl e wilayat or fazl?
  6. Aqdas

    Aqdas Staff Member

    #Alahazrat dedicates five couplets in Qasidah Salamiyyah to Mawla Ali رضي الله عنه:

    Murtaza sheyr e haqq ashja'ul ashja'īń
    Sāqi e shīr o sharbat pe lakhon salam

    The chosen one, lion of Allah, bravest of the brave;
    Endless salutations upon the pourer of milk and drink

    Note, homonyms: sheyr and shīr.

    Asl e nasl e safā waj'he wasl e khudā
    Bāb e fasl e wilāyat pe lakhon salam

    Origin of pure lineage, means of Divine gnosis;
    Endless salutations upon the door to sainthood

    Awwalīń dāfaýe ahl e rifz o khurūj
    Chārmi rukn e millat pe lakhon salam

    First to eliminate the people of rejection and rebellion;
    Endless salutations upon the fourth pillar of the nation

    Mawla Ali was the first to wage war against Rafidis and Kharijis. Rafidi means a rejector and Khariji means a rebel.

    Sheyr e shamshīr zan shāh e khaybar shikan
    Partaw e dast e qudrat pe lakhon salam

    Sword brandishing lion, destroyer of Khaybar;
    Endless salutations upon the manifestation of Divine Power

    Māhi e rifz o tafzīl o nasb o khurūj
    Hāmi e dīn o sunnat pe lakhon salam

    The vanquisher of rifd, tafdil, nasb and khuruj;
    Endless salutations on the helper of Islam and the sunnah

    Mawla Ali banished the innovations of rifd (enmity of sahabah), tafdil (believing other than Abu Bakr and Umar to be superior), nasb (enmity of Ahl al-Bayt) and khuruj (enmity of Ahl al-Bayt).

    Note, wordplay of Māhi and Hāmi.
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2024
    Ghulam Ali and Unbeknown like this.

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