Have a seminar on Hadaiq e Bakshish. Scholars would explain the more popular naats and salaams of Ala Hazrat, with references to Qur`an and Hadith. This would develop a greater love, attachment and understanding to Ala Hazrat's poetry and Ala Hazrat himself. Have a proper booklet composed containing the naats and salaams that will be covered in the session (Urdu, English transliteration, English translation); this can be given to attendees for use during the session and so they can take home as well. Finish the session with a full recitation of Mustafa Jaan e Rahmet (i.e. all 171 sonnets). You can have a similar session on Qaseedah Burdah.
Good analysis about how it is a subtle occupation. My comment was towards a physical occupation (foreign military, violence, land grabbing, etc. - an occupation that is visible and in your face). I think the majority of us would still do nothing. And in this day and age where you can be living on another continent from the occupation but still have an affect on it when at the cash register at a store (when you choose which products to buy) or via choosing which companies to invest in or work at, then doing nothing becomes unacceptable. No I didn't mean at all that the ulema are the sole cause of all ills. It was more of a comment on the lack of action and practical steps I see from the ulema in addressing issues. For example, I have heard stories of how a scholar from abroad frequently visits a North American city but does not eat any meat when he visits as he has doubts about whether it is halal. This city is home to over a million Muslims. If he has doubts about the authenticity of the meat that a million Muslims are eating in this city, why not do something about it? Why not investigate and fix the issue? If not himself, then assign others to investigate and fix? Where is the concern for other Muslims?
they have been taken over in the past and wrested back by rulers of the time. But that's when muslims had power and conscience both. i found this page interesting: https://worldshiaforum.wordpress.co...ntries-in-islamic-history-by-abdul-nishapuri/ Not to mention even the current wahabi rule is an 'occupation' but one which the locals and the international community have reconciled themselves to. That's because of the clever saudi policy of keeping it's subjects materially well-fed and happy. Once people have their luxuries why would they care whether the Deen is subjugated or upheld? And with it's legions of mouthpiece 'scholars' they have all the arguments to give legitimacy to each and every one of their actions. which is why I feel: with all due respect I disagree with singling out the ulema as the sole cause of all ills. I have said it umpteen times on the forum that, generally speaking, the ulema are only a reflection of the ummah at large. A callous, materialistic, short-sighted, dishonest ummah breeds like scholars because it is from the muslims' own ranks that the ulema are cut. They do not descend from heaven nor do they undergo some genetic mutations upon joining a madrasah. Allah ta'ala knows best.
This might not fit the idea of ilmi topics, but what about a seminar on Palestine*? See here for ideas on what could be discussed. E.g. Significance in Islam Zionism Crimes being committed How to raise awareness What laymen can do to help How to boycott Israel This type of seminar would attract not only the youth the general Muslim population as well (Sunni and non-Sunni). *Sometimes I wonder if Makka-tul-mukarramah and Madina-tul-munawwarah were taken over as Palestine has been, the ummah and in particular our ulema would still not have a plan of action
We should have a seminar where teachers and scholars are brought together to showcase the importance of setting up Darul Ulooms and producing new Ullama.
- A full Seerat e Sayyiduna RasulAllah (Sal Allahu Alayhi Wassalam) seminar - The lives of the Ambiya (Peace Be Upon Them All) - A history of the Khulafa e Rashideen (Radi Allahu Anhu Ajma'een) - A history of Karbala and the lives of the Hasani and Hussayni Sayyids - A refutation of perennialism - The concept of feminism and an answer to the modern feminist movement. - The role of Men and Women in Islam (as sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, as husbands and wives, and fathers and mothers) - Preservation of Iman in Dar ul Harb (how to survive in an environment with many bad influences, including Ahlul Bidah and murtads such as ghulat shia) - Workplace interactions for a Muslim in today's world (how to explain we don't shake hands with ghair mahram, etc) - How to raise Muslim Children - Answers to the modern 'education' system (refuting the christianized culture of schools today (celebrating christmas), teaching of homosexuality and zina, evolutionary theory, etc) - Halal, Haram, Makhrooh and Mushbooh (a seminar on each of these categories, what to look for, and covering intoxicating substances) - Refuting the ghulat shia and modernists - A history of the Ummayads - A history of the Moors and the Iberian Peninsula under Islamic rule - A history of the Abbasids - A history of the Mu'tazila sect and it's influence in modern sects - A history of Sayyiduna Salahuddin Ayyubi (Alayhi Rahmah) - A history of mongols in Islamic Lands and a History of the Mamluks - A history of the Ottomans - A history of the Mughals
Good ideas Aqdas. Yes we do remember the Ala Hazrath Conference in Bradford, Shearbridge Road Masjid which Allamah Qamar uz Zamaan was head of at one point. The conference it self was headed by Pir Sayyid Mahroof Hussain who invited the Ulemah you have mentioned, Same Pir Saab who funded Allamah Abdul Qayyum Hazravi works. May Allah Protect them. Ameen.
wishful thinking? in a seminar on ilm al-ghayb, could a senior scholar teach the main points of al-Dawlah al-Makkiyyah in a day? not many people will read al-dawlah but imagine thousands of people listened to the lecture and knew our main arguments and principles. is this practically possible? al-dawlah is just an example so if not this book, then other books.
so please, if you have a good topic, then share. having a scholar tackle ilmi topics at regular intervals in the UK at various locations could create a decent resource in the long run if those seminars are properly conducted and recorded. I'm not talking about an hour lecture but something more in depth where a topic is covered comprehensively. e.g. shaykh asrar's end of times lectures were well received and they are now a great resource on eschatology. --- showing my age here but some of you will remember the Alahazrat conference in Bradford in 2001 where akabir such as allama sharaf, dr. sarfaraz na'imi, sayyid mash'hadi et al tackled one topic: Alahazrat.
Point taken Aqdas. How many Sunni Masjids would actively engage in taking part in a youth project-involving youth work methods?
ethical, I think we're talking of two different things. 1. getting youth into the masjid. 2. getting a senior scholar to hold seminars on relevant topics. e.g. one day crash course on hadith terminology. of course we should be making provisions to get youth into the masjid but I had a specific reason why I started the thread. it's just an idea I have been discussing with someone.
Even though the need is for academic seminars, the need for active engagement with young people on a discussion and group work basis is one of the most important needs in this day and age. The reason a lot of youngsters do not go mosque is because the 'ilmi' topics they do not understand because of no real foundations and when people go to these seminars they lack real basic knowledge on the deen and mannerisms.
sorry I meant topics that a more senior scholar would be best suited to. The drugs and alcohol etc. topics aside - I was after ideas for ilmi topics.
Yes I agree with Ethical Barelvi, I know this because as a university student myself , I realized that trying to initiate the youths interest in such topics is an unavailing venture. Not that these topics aren't important, rather It is an obligation to know them, but the youth are looking for something they can relate to. One just needs to see how the dbi have tackled this right, just look at the website sacred learning and go to the "general talks" tab, Most if not all those topics are relevant to youth and practical.
No dis-respect to you Aqdas, these issues are most important to us, however our youth are in a lost realm and confused in taking part in Fitna. What can the local Masjid do to help them? We have a lost generation, and people have exploited this generation of young people for a long time, it is time we tackle ALL topics to round our lost Brother and Sisters up and down cities in England. The Masjid needs to become more efficent when trying to attract young people, by that I just don't mean talks we need to be more practical and more in touch with our youngsters.
can brothers share thoughts on priority topics that sunni ulama/events should address. I think one day seminars on the following could be useful in the UK [maybe similar to what dr. ashraf jalali does in Pakistan]: 1. taqlid 2. miracles of the Quran 3. the true definition of shirk 4. the true definition of bid'ah 5. tawassul