Sheikhul Islam HafiDh Anwarullah Farooqi radiallahu anhu

Discussion in 'Sunniport Multimedia' started by Mohammed Nawaz, Feb 27, 2024.

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  1. Mohammed Nawaz

    Mohammed Nawaz Corrections are always welcomed with appreciation


    HASSAN Well-Known Member


    HASSAN Well-Known Member

    In Allāmah Arshad al-Qādirī’s Talkhīs of Anwār-i Ahmadī, a passage by Muftī ‘Abd al-Hamīd is quoted.
  4. is this the same institute which the Habaib of Yemen also visit? i ask because the mode of dress of the speakers and their arabic talaffuz is excellent especially vis-a-vis other, northern indian/pakistani ulama's pronounciation of arabic.

    could you possibly produce a synopsis of the jamia nizamiyya syllabus which the students study there?

  5. :s1:

    brother abu nibraas. thank you for posting on this topic of jamia nizamiyya in the deccan --we from pakistan (and maybe north india) are quite ignorant of islamic work being done in the south of the subcontinent.
  6. abu nibras

    abu nibras Staff Member

    He was Shaykhul Shuyukh Allamah Mufti Abd Al-Hameed Nizami, the Sheikh ul-Jamia of Jamia Nizamia. I am not certain of his position in the list of the rectors of the Nizamia but he was widely known to be one of the most astute and knowldgeble Muftis of India in his age.

    You can download Anwar-e-Ahmedi here

    there are explicit words talking of imaan going away and of disrespect of any kind towards the prophet whatsoever, intended or unintended being haram and kufr in the writings of Sheikh ul Islam , However the word of kufr is not used explicitly against any deobandi as far as I know.

    if you read his works you will know that it was rather his style to pick a particular issue of contention, mention problematic statements mentioned by others and make clear the understanding of ahlus sunnah on it. warn others from it if its a heresy or something and end the discussion without giving any specific ruling upon the author.

    Sheikhul Islam was one of the most prominent schoalrs of his day who were carrying on the sunni traditions of Farangi Mahal. Ala Hazrat held him in high esteem.

    There is atleast one record of a handwritten letter from ala hazrat written to Sheikhul Islam ,post husamul haramyn, in which he uses extremely high appellatives addressing Sheikhul Islam. AlaHazrat praises Sheikh-ul-Islam's understanding of the deen in it. I will post it some day inshaallah.

    see br abu Hasans post on the subject
  7. abu nibras

    abu nibras Staff Member

    He was Shaykhul Shuyukh Allamah Mufti Abd Al-Hameed Nizami, the Sheikh ul-Jamia of Jamia Nizamia. I am not certain of his position in the list of the rectors of the Nizamia but he was widely known to be one of the most astute and knowldgeble Muftis of India in his age.

    there are explicit words talking of imaan going away and of disrespect of any kind whatsoever, intended or unintended being haram and kufr in the writings of Sheikh ul Islam, However the word of kufr is not used explicitly against any deobandi as far as I know.

    if you read his works you will know that it was rather his style to pick a particular issue of contention, mention problematic statements and its sources and make clear the understanding of ahlus sunnah on it. warn others from it if its a heresy or something and end the discussion without giving any specific ruling upon the author.

    Sheikhul Islam was one of the most prominent schoalrs of his day who were carrying on the sunni traditions of Farangi Mahal. Ala Hazrat held him in high esteem.

    There is atleast one record of a handwritten letter from ala hazrat written to Sheikhul Islam ,post husamul haramyn, in which he uses extremely high appellatives addressing Sheikhul Islam. AlaHazrat praises Sheikh-ul-Islam's understanding of the deen in it. I will post it some day inshaallah.

    see br abu Hasans post on the subject
  8. abu nibras

    abu nibras Staff Member


    well...where do we start .......

    Sheikhul Islam Hafiz Anwarullah Farooqi `alayhi ar raHamatu war riDwan founded the institution when Hyderabad was ruled by the Nizam in 1292 al-Hijri. currently around 25,000 students are enrolled in the Jamia and its affiliate Institutes all over India.

    Historically speaking it would'nt be a hyperbole if one says that the work done by Jamia Nizamia and its affiliate institutions founded by Hazrat Sheikhul Islam introduced al-Hind as a prime center of sacred learning to the Arab world. it was hence referred to amongst the Arab scholars as the al-Azhar of Hind for a long time.

    lately after the inflow of the oil money and violent expansions, there have been more claimants to that title.

    one simply has to simply see the work of the Dairatul Maarif founded by Sheikhul Islam and run by the scholars of Jamia Nizamia to get an Idea of what we are talking about; more than eleven hundred rare classical arabic manuscripts, the mother books on which the normative Islamic sciences rely upon were (almost all post 8th century al-hijri) researched, commented upon and published in the last 140 years.

    Sheikhul Islam himself and many scholars who carried on his mission travelled far and wide to gather these treasures of Islamic scholarship, researching or finding one such manuscript earns you a grand phD in today's world.

    The Majlis ahya ul M`aarif Nomania (the equal of the Dairatul Maarif for the Hanafi madhab) was also founded and by the scholars of the Jamia Nizamia which researched, commented upon and printed many classical books of the Hanafi madhab. see

    Inspite of all of that if there is one thing that you would notice that the striking mark of the scholars of the Jamia is that they keep a very low profile, and lead very austere lives, keeping the tradition of Sheikhul Islam Hafiz Anwarullah Farooqi alive who inspite of being Incharge of Religious affairs in the Nizam's dominion lead a very simple life.

    In the deccan, alhamdulillah we have the support of Allah and his mercy through institutions like the Jamia Nizamia - which run even in today's materialistic times counting on nothing but tawakkul.
  9. Wadood

    Wadood Veteran

    I am still far behind in the Urdu language. Could not understand most of the speech.
  10. salaam92

    salaam92 New Member

    as-salamu `alaykum,

    I just listened to the wonderful speech, and I would like to ask a few questions and perhaps the esteemed brothers of this forum may be able to answer insha'Allah:

    1.) The speaker named a certain famous scholar who lived during the time of Shaykh al-Islam (rahimahullah), whos name was "Mufti `Abd al-Hameed", who attested to the correctness of "Anwaar al-Ahmadi". I was wondering if anyone could give me some more info on this figure?

    2.) Did Shaykh al-Islam (rahimahullah) in "Anwaar al-Ahmadi" or Haaji Imdaadullah Muhaajir Makki (rahimahullah wa radi'Allahu `anhu) in "Fasla Haft Mas'ala" ever either explicitly or implicitly say that such statements from the latter's deobandi mureeds entailed kufr?

    3.) What was the relationship between Ala Hazrat (rahimahullah) and Shaykh al-Islam (rahimahullah), figuring they were contemporaries?

    4.) Lastly, what philosophical rhetoric did Qasim Naunatawi exactly use in "Tahzeer al-Nas" which entailed what the Barelwiyyah have claimed to be the denial of the finality of Prophethood as mentioned in the verse of the Qur'an?

    jazakumullahu khayrn,
    wa as-salam
  11. Sunni

    Sunni New Member

    Jazak Allah for this excellent speech. Could you please enlighten me as to the history of Jamiyyah Nizamiyyah. I have also heard it contains a big collection of books, is this correct?

    Also, can you get the whole video uploaded, it would be interesting to learn more from these Shaykhs of Nizamiyyah.
  12. abu nibras

    abu nibras Staff Member

    Maslak-e-Sheikhul Islam HafiDh Anwarullah Farooqi radiallahu anhu
    Lecture in Urdu on the life and creed of Sheikhul Islam HafiDh Anwarullah Farooqi radiallahu anhu
    Sheikh Sayyid Ziauddin Naqshbandi Nizami
    Naib Sheikh-ul-Fiqh Jamia Nizamia al-Hind

    <a href="">

    Click Here</a>

    We have heard it many a times from people who claim that the al Azhar of India ,
    the illustrious Jamia Nizamia, which was founded in 1292 al-hijri by the khalifah
    of Hazrat Haji Imadadullah Muhajir Makki
    Sheikhul Islam HafiDh Anwarullah Farooqi radiallahu anhu was "barelwized" later.

    anyone who knows what Sheikhul Islam Hafiz Anwarullah Farooqi `alayhi ar-raHamatu war-riDwan
    stood for would simply remain silent.
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2006

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