elephants in beautiful madina

Discussion in 'Siyar an-Nubala' started by Wadood, Aug 3, 2009.

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  1. Wadood

    Wadood Veteran

    Once Imam Malik raDyAllahu 'anhu was teaching his students in Madina Munawwarah! Suddenly, there was news that people had brought elephants into Madina. Most people in Madina had not seen elephants before, and it was a very unusual sight ofcourse in the blessed land.

    All the students of Imam Malik raDyAllahu 'anhu ran to see the elephants except one. His name is Imam YaHya bin YaHya al-Laythi al-Andalusi. Imam Malik raDyAllahu 'anhu asked him as to the reason why he did not go. Imam YaHya replied, that he did not come all the way from Spain to Madina Munawwarah to see elephants, but had come to learn the Deen of Allah and His Prophet salAllaho 'alaihi wa alihi wa sallam from Imam Malik

    Imam Malik gave him the title of 'Aql al-andalus. The intellect of Andalusia, southern Spain. raDyAllahu 'anhuma

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