Having a birthday cake as part of Mawlid celebrations

Discussion in 'General Topics' started by ottomanhanafi, Mar 20, 2010.

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  1. ottomanhanafi

    ottomanhanafi Active Member

    i don't think it's the cake itself thats a problem moresdo the cake-cutting ceremony which causes needless finger-pointing.
  2. "Let them eat cake!"
  3. hayaa

    hayaa Guest

    I hope they allow cake as long as they share some with me. I love cake, lol.
  4. Wadood

    Wadood Veteran

    I saw it being done at a big Mawlid Procession in New York. Shaykh Chakswari of Birmingham was in it. The video is on youtube.
  5. Haroon

    Haroon Guest

    It seems a bit much to me to have birthday cake as part of the mawlid celebrations. True that i did partkae in said cake and enjoyed eating it, but i was wondering about the concept until someone mentioned that they saw it on noor tv as well.

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