Muslim Institute

Discussion in 'Links' started by harun, Dec 14, 2012.

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  1. harun

    harun Active Member

    The challenge to a stagnant tradition

    ‘That laid the path for the decentralization of religious authority which in turn gave birth to the phenomenon of the amateur mujtahid, or the autodidact. Thus, the democratization of ijtihad ensured a further crisis: anyone could say almost anything about what Islam is and what it isn’t and choose to live by their own understanding of the faith. They are not bound by an established methodology nor do they give credence to any’

    ‘We only need to review the last two hundred years to see what havoc the Islamic reformation caused as a result of this’

    Ziauddin Sardar, Ghayasuddin Siddiqui and other intellectuals are part of the Institute

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