Neighbourly dealings with Shias

Discussion in 'Hanafi Fiqh' started by Zafars, Sep 9, 2022.

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  1. Zafars

    Zafars New Member

    It is better to remain and far away from raafidah.If you look at how they insults our mother of believer Ayesha,and sends laanah to our sahabah.Then you will realise what i am talking.They always use narrations from ghulat or some Sunni sources,without knowing anything.Also history is testimony how Shias especially twelvers,nusayri actually supports crusader and alqami support to Mongols.Raafidah also supported American war on terror and democracy.They consider us Sunnis as naasibi,cursed and infidel.Rather furoo e kaafi call them to kill us and also our scholar. It is better we must tackle them like wahhabis.Both are splinters group.
    Zafar sharif likes this.
  2. Ubaid

    Ubaid Active Member

  3. Aqdas

    Aqdas Staff Member

    unheiN jaana unheiN maana na rakha ghayr se kaam
    lillahil hamd maiN dunyaa se musalmaan gaya

    le khabar jald ke ghayroN ki taraf dhyaan gaya
    mere mawla mere aaqa tere qurbaan gaya

    slightly related:

    saabit huwa ke jumla faraayiz furoo' haiN
    aslul usool bandagi us taajwar ki hai
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2008
  4. Ubaid

    Ubaid Active Member

    mujh ko ma'lum hai ummat ka hashar kiya hoga
    masa'il e nazri mein ulajh gaya hai khateeb.
  5. Aqdas

    Aqdas Staff Member

    from p.275-6 of al-malfuz al-sharif

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  6. Aqdas

    Aqdas Staff Member

    ubaid, i don't like the place where i think you are trying to take this argument. alaHazrat was asked about the rafidis and he answered about the rafidis. alaHazrat is not from the band of people who misuse verses and hadiths.

    the scholars are clear about how one should deal with the wahabis and shia and it does not include having relations such as visiting them and being pally.

    it is alaHazrat i have quoted. which masses have rejected the ruling that we should not have relations with the rafidis?

    alaHazrat was the greatest faqih of his era. is it ok with you if i stick to his rulings? he was a sufi and wali too.

    you talk about the sufi approach to life. do you remembr the statements of the greatest sufi, sayyidina abu bakr radiyAllahu ta'ala anhu to the kuffar at hudaibiya?

    who is this hadith referring to? what about the hadith of not saluting and praying the janaza? who is that for?
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2008
  7. Wadood

    Wadood Veteran

    Firstly, who is a rafiDi TODAY?

    1. The ithna 'ashri (Twelver sect) also called 'Ja'fari' who settle the areas of Iran, southern Iraq, Lebanon, Ahsaa, Pakistan, central Afghanistan, Azerbayjan, some in Nigeria, some in the West, some in Turkey and northern Iraq and some in Damascus and Kuwait, lots in Northern India and Hyderabad.

    They are rafiDis. They reject Sayyiduna Abu Bakr radyaAllah 'anhu. they insult him openly in Iran, curse him, they insult openly our Master Sayyiduna 'Umar radyAllahu anhu, celebrate a day for cursing him. They cherish and love Abu Lu' Lu', Allah curse him.

    Reject Khomeini. He was not a sayyid. He was a killer. A mass murderer as much as Saddam. Saddam the monster killed openly as Hajjaj, but Khoemeni performed his acts in the back door as that hypocrite called Gandhi, that naked adulterer they name 'mahatma'. He also considered the Imams higher in status than the Prophets. So he is not a Muslim either. Reject the rafiDi headmen in Qom (2000 Pakistani trainees, soon to enter Pakistan to create havoc)

    The ithna 'ashri rafiDi menace did not start in Buyid Baghdad. But started with the Safavi heretics. Shah Ismail was a kafir. He considered himself a sayyid, when he was mongol by race, and he considered Sayyiduna 'Ali to be God while he himself was a servant to the ithna 'ashri rafiDi monsters from Lebanon.

    Who are the main historic rafiDis?

    Ismai'ils as named by Sunni Scholars and also by others as Ibn Batuta. These include the Qaramita, present day Najranis in Saudi, who I met in Makkah, and the Fatimids, Nizaris etc.

    Zaydis today do not seem as such.

    Reject rafiDis. They have no sympathy for Sunnis. Look what they did to the innocent Sunnis of 'Iraq, punishing them for the Saudi wahabis who came to kill them.

    They have cleansed 70% of Baghdad off its Sunni population.

    The Sunni population of Baghdad has gone down 70%. More than 2 million Baghdadi Sunnis are now outside, a million in Syria and Jordan.

    No Sayyid can be a shi'a of ANY GROUP. A sayyid can NEVER EVER BE A SHI'A OF ANY SECT. How can the blood of Imam Husayn and Imam Hasan hate Sayyiduna Abu Bakr radyAllahu anhu? NEVER. The companion in the cave, mentioned by Allah subhanahu? NEVER. The companion sleeping on the heart of our Master radyAllahu 'anhu? NEVER

    All rafiDis claiming 'Sayyidness' are OPEN PLAIN LIARS. All those Shah shi'a ithna 'ashri rafiDis in Pakistan called 'Sayyid Hasnain Shah, Syed Dilawar Shah, Sayyid Mujtaba Shah, Sayyid Moosvi whatever' are actually descended from local street beggars who converted to Islam as hypocrites in Madina did in their early times.

    2/3rds of shi'a in Pakistan and similar in India were SUNNI HANAFI before. They converted to shi'ism in Pakistan in the past 60 years.

    RafiDism is death of Iman. RafiDism is death of Tasawwuf.

    Ithna 'ashri Khomeini. Muntazeri, Khamenei, Haeri, Najafi, Shirazi, Qazvini, Sistani are all heretics of the worst kind. Never has the Islamic world ever seen such a group of rafiDis.

    The rafiDis of this age are the WORST RAFIDIS EVER. They cannot even compare to the Qaramita.

    Keep away from them. Stay away from them. Shun them. They are today the worst of bid'a. Reject bid'a. But if chance avails give them da'wa and show them the light of the Sunnah of our Habib salAllaho 'alayhi wa aalihi wa salam

    In Iran, most of the rafiDi believers are just plain brainwashed, just as the wahabis in Saudi. I can tell you tonnes and tonnes about Iran and its rafiDi headmen. Also tonnes and tonnes of whats wrong with the common brainwashed Irani say in Arak or in Veramin or in Busher, or Ahvaz.

    Why does Shaykh Tahir ul Qadiri openly sit in CURSED rafiDi gatherings addressing their so called takkabur filled masses? It does not befit a Sunni scholar to sit in those gatherings.

    The rafiDi ithna 'ashri shi'a are planning their missionary activities in the West, rural africa and Indonesia and increasing the pace. They are getting converts. Iran is the supplier of monetary terms.

    I can go on and on on this fitna, which is the WORST today for Ahl al-Sunnah. If we do not act and be defiant against bid'a as Sayyidi Imam Ahmad RaDa Khan radyAllah 'anhu, that is why I love him, then we will see the wrath of Allah ourselves with us implicated.

    end of email

    See you in December
  8. Ubaid

    Ubaid Active Member

    all the evidence presented is for mushrikeen and does not apply to muslims.

    the verse of the Quran presented in support is for mushrikeen who denied Islam. below is the whole verse and commentry taken from Tabari and it supports what we have argued for above:

    { وَإِذَا رَأَيْتَ ٱلَّذِينَ يَخُوضُونَ فِيۤ ءَايَاتِنَا فَأَعْرِضْ عَنْهُمْ حَتَّىٰ يَخُوضُواْ فِي حَدِيثٍ غَيْرِهِ وَإِمَّا يُنسِيَنَّكَ ٱلشَّيْطَٰنُ فَلاَ تَقْعُدْ بَعْدَ ٱلذِّكْرَىٰ مَعَ ٱلْقَوْمِ ٱلظَّٰلِمِينَ }

    يقول تعالى ذكره لنبيه محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم: { وإذَا رأيْتَ } يا محمد المشركين { الَّذِينَ يَخُوضُونَ فِي آياتِنَا } التي أنزلناها إليك، ووحيْنا الذي أوحيناه إليك، و «خوضهم فيها» كان استهزاءهم بها وسَبَّهم من أنزلها وتكلم بها وتكذيبهم بها. { فأعْرِضْ عَنْهُم } ْ يقول: فصُدّ عنهم بوجهك، وقم عنهم ولا تجلس معهم، { حتى يَخُوضُوا فِي حَدِيثٍ غيرِهِ } يقول: حتى يأخذوا في حديث غير الاستهزاء بآيات الله من حديثهم بينهم. { وإمَّا يُنْسِيَنَّكَ الشَّيْطَانُ } يقول: وإن أنساك الشيطان نَهيْنا إياك عن الجلوس معهم والإعراض عنهم في حال خوضهم في آياتنا ثم ذكرت ذلك، فقهم عنهم ولا تقعد بعد ذكرك ذلك مع القوم الظالمين الذين خاضوا في غير الذي لهم الخوض فيه بما خاضوا به فيه وذلك هو معنى ظلمهم في هذا الموضع.

    furthermore, the hadith from tibrani mentions 'rafidhis'.(arabic version in your attachment)...if taken as a group as we do nowadays then just look up at the origins for the word 'rafidha' . (bear in mind, imam tibrani died in 360Ah) Imam Zaid bin Ali bin Husaain(alyhum assalaam) was the first one to call this group rafidhi similar to how mu'tazila got their name. just consult any book such as Milal wan nahl by Imam Shahristani and how rafidis were named. almost 300 years before the hadith appears in tibrani!

    lets say that it is correct then this also does not support your argument because at the end of the hadith it says that these people are 'mushrikeen' and when asked what are their signs?..then it says they do not pray jum'a and pray in, i ask you do the shiites pray juma and pray in jamaat?

    hanging by a thread means that when one makes sweeping statements then the evidence must be proportioned accordingly. like i said before. localised interpretations emanating from certain social situations. rejected by masses.

    and lastly, please also read other Ulama as well. there is one i mention who is not only from Ulama but a Sufi and a unanimous Wali. his name is Hazrat Peer mehr Ali shah Gilani (radi Allah anhu). his book entitled 'tasfiya ma bayn sunni wa shia' . it is positive work keeping in line with sufi approach to life.
  9. SA01

    SA01 Veteran

    Yes...........what exactly does that mean bro?
  10. Aqdas

    Aqdas Staff Member

    please elaborate.
  11. Ubaid

    Ubaid Active Member

    it is like pulling a ton with a thread.
  12. Aqdas

    Aqdas Staff Member

    in the english translation of al-malfuz:

    question: is it permissible to marry in the family of rafdis (shia)? nowadays, it is so complicated that either someone's uncle or someone's brother-in-law is a rafdi?

    answer: it is not permissible. there are great dangers in such marriages. your iman will leave your heart and the love for Allah and his rasul will also disappear. almighty Allah states in the holy quran:

    if you come to your senses after the shaytan makes you forget, then do not sit in the company of the oppressors.

    sayyiduna rasulAllah sallAllahu 'alaihi wasallam issues a stern warning:

    run far from them and keep them away from you so that they may not mislead you. [muslim, v.1, p.73, hadith 4]

    the following hadith sharif specifically refers to the rafdis:

    a nation will come who will have a bad title. they will be called rafdi. they will not come for jumah or jamaat. they will insult the pious predecessors [salf]. you must not sit in their company nor eat, drink and marry with them. if they get sick, do not visit them nor attend their funeral if they die.

    [a source for this specific hadith could not be found, but similar words are recorded in numerous ahadith that reflect to the same meaning and predicition. see: tajil al-munfa'ata , v.1, p.10 hadith 8 with comments from imam ibn habban; also see tahzib al-tahzib, v.5, p.202; also see tahzib al-tahzib v.1, p.342; also see tahzib al-kamal, v.6, p.140; also see tahzib al-kamal, v.15, p.357; also see al-iktisab fi talkhis al-insab; majma'h al-zawa'id cites from tabrani, v.9, p.748, hadith 1643, on the authority of ummul mo'minin sayyidah umme salma as follows:

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    Last edited: Oct 26, 2008
  13. Ubaid

    Ubaid Active Member

    I have utmost respect for you brother Aqdas and this in no way should diminish Love between us.

    please provide the whole hadith with reference so we can further our understanding.
  14. Aqdas

    Aqdas Staff Member

    please tell me who is meant by not sit with them, not salute them, nor attend their funerals?
  15. ah! Mawlana Shaykh Nazim! Who in this age can compare with him? The Saint of the Masters and the Master of the Saints? Madad Ya Sayyidi!

    Is it a wonder that so many non-Muslims always are in attendance at his gatherings. They flock towards him and many, alhamdulillah, convert too.
  16. Ubaid

    Ubaid Active Member

    the spirit of Islam is Love.

    though there are localised interpretations which emanate from particular social situations and devlelop into intolerance of extreme nature like the neighbour dealings in this thread. even five hundred years ago there are instances of ulama that were intolerant towards other fiqh schools nevermind the sects. ulama ma wara unnahr, term comes to mind. you may look up fierce disputes that took place between hambalis and shafis and hanafis and malikis.

    there are many local-interpretive reasons for segregation-thesis in every age but they have always been rejected by the masses unless it is between two rival rulers! eventhough Ottomans and safavids expanded in opposite directions respecting that they were both muslims though sunni and shiite.

    what i am trying to convey is that Ulama in every age had certain opinions that were unique to themselves. for instance, Imam bukhari says in juz rafa' al yadayn that Imam Abu Hanifa was 'ghawi' and 'jahil'. imam suyuti says that Qadhi Abu yusuf used to sell fatawas for thousands of dirham to mamun rasheed & company (see tarikh al khulafa). Sulatan bahu(r) was extremely prejudiced towards chishtis and says in his diwan chistis are zishtis and says that chishtis are money grabbers. Mujaddad alf sani says in maktubat that milad celebrations are biddat and should not be celebrated. Shaykh al akbar Ibn Arabi says that 12 Imams are infallible and that he has met with Imam Mehdi ibn hasan al askari(check futuhat and al yawaqeet). Ali al hajwayri data sahab says that i dislike such and such sahabi of badr(kashf al mahjub). Imam Ahmed raza says that earth is stationary and the sun orbits it and so on.

    what i am trying to say is that these are individual opinions and majority do not follow them in these judgements.

    similarly, these dealings with neighbours of other sects or religions and how we should treat them like pigs attitude is absolutely misintrepreted. Treat everyone nicely and read your own namaz and follow your own sect. otherwise, slippery slope of such arguments leads to suicide bombs and extremism. happens in pakistan. they kill each other in mosques because they are not muslims according to us.

    the only difference is that perhaps by your good ikhlaq they might atleast come closer to you.
    i once visited shaykh Nazim sahib (not pleasing jamati brother) and one of my cousins took a shiite brother with him, who prayed in the same saff with others there in his way and now i am told that he took zikr from them and prays his namaz and speaks good of his experience. once you have made place in the heart then it is very easy to make place in the mind.
  17. Aqdas

    Aqdas Staff Member

    i thought this is how we dealt with the innovators. can you tell me which people are described as those whose janaza we cannot partake in?

    from this post, the prophet sallAllahu 'alaihi wasallam warned us to 'not sit with them, not salute them, nor attend their funerals.'

    don't get me wrong, i know where you brothers are coming from but rulings override things that may seem logical to us. mawla 'ali karramAllahu wajhahu said it is logical to him to wipe the bottom of the moccasins but rasulAllah sallAllahu 'alaihi wasallam ordered the opposite.

    please enlighten me if the scholars have said otherwise.

    but, mufti akmal was asked about not giving salams to the one who doesn't pray. he said this is the original ruling because back in the day, everyone prayed and only a few didn't. nowadays, a few pray and most don't. hence, we should still give them salams as this will bring them closer.

    this issue is in your favour, nj and ubaid, because it is similar our issue. but, innovation in belief is far more severe than a non-practicing sunni.

    i hope someone can clarify.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2008
  18. Someone once said, "Insaaniyat sab se baRa mazhab hai" -- "Humanity is the greatest religion!" and I tend to agree.
  19. I tend to agree with Ubaid here. If one can be friendly with one's non-Muslim neighbours--which we should be!--why not with other sects? Sure, I'd rather not go to a Wahabis/Deos/Shias funeral but if I knew the person I'd go and maybe I wouldn't read anything but to show human sympathy? What's wrong with that.

    "I follow the religion of Love"--Shaykh e Akbar.
  20. Ubaid

    Ubaid Active Member

    aqida manzil e insaaniat mein kab zaruri hai.

    i do not mean to offend but it all sounds like 'dogma'. so what if we belong to different sects, you pray where you want, i pray where i want but we are neighbours, colleagues and so on. we are even allowed by shariah to drink left over water by kafirs given that he has not eaten haram immediately before it. what kind of ikhlaq are you preaching? Malaysia and Indonesia were converted to Islam by good morals of muslims. if you preach hate then do not expect love in return.
    the path of Rasul e Akram(alayhi salaat wa salaam) was Love. treat your neighbours regardless of who they are in the best manner is the teaching of our Deen.

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